ccPlus1.exe Has Stopped Working

closed account (zb0S216C)
Does anyone know what it means? Google doesn't give anything useful.

Its a very broad error. Your program could have stopped working for a variety of reasons. This is why google may come up with many search results, none of which are helpful. Post your code.
closed account (zb0S216C)
It turns out that there's an overflow of cc1Plus.exe's stack. How that happended, I don't know, because this is my program:

int main()

I don't know much about computer architecture yet but the overflow of stack may have been caused by another program that you have run. Have you written any programs that access the CPU?
closed account (zb0S216C)
Every program utilises the CPU, but no; no additional programs. I'll try a warm reboot - you never know.

Edit: Did Jack.

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reply lol (explicitly access i meant)..idk might be your compiler. I'm still learning myself about these errors. When an error like that happens I just start a new project if there are no solutions and copy the source code in the new project and things are fine.

Edit: or you can "clean" or "rebuild" the project on Codeblocks in MingW. That may fix the issue.
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closed account (zb0S216C)
I just tried cleaning, rebuilding, and creating a new project; cc1Plus.exe is having none of it. I don't understand why it's doing now, of all days; it was fine a few hours ago.

Manual or automatic defragmentation + memory failure error = file corruption?

Edit: I reckoned "failure" wasn't the right word.
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