Precompiled header stdsfx

Hi all,
I am a newbie that is teaching myself the C++ language. I have a question that maybe someone out there can answer. I use windows 7 (64bit)as my OS, and Visual Studio C++ Pro as my IDE. My problem has to do with the creation of the precompiled header (stdafx).
Is the only way to have the program create the stdafx precompiled header in Visual Studio c++ Pro by creating a console program?
Is there a way that I can get my IDE to create the stdafx header using only empty projects, instead of a console program?
It doesn't matter what type of project you have. you need a cpp from what the compiler creates the precompiled header file.

Honestly: disable that precompiled nonsense. you will face problems (if that precompiled thing is corrupt) but no benefits
Thanks for your reply coder777,
Usually, I do shut that switch off when I write an empty project. However, I am now learning to deal with Precompiled headers. in visual studio c++ pro, the Console projects automatically writes the code for a precompiled header called 'stdafx', but only if I write a console win 32 project. I wish to know if I can get my IDE to write the code for stdafx while writing an empty project.
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