string question


After dinner at a Chinese restaurant, Batman and Robin had a fortune cookie each. Both cookies contained the same fortune written on a single line on a strip of paper. After reading their fortunes, they both tore the strip of paper into 2 pieces and left promptly. You manage to find two pieces of torn paper, one containing the left half of the sentence, the other the right half. Unfortunately, they may not from the same piece of paper!From these two pieces, can you puzzle out the content of the original fortune? If it cannot
be determined, then print “The future remains a mystery”.

Sample Input:

er will coat every surface of the batmobile in silly putty.
On 6 September 2011, The Joker will coat eve


On 6 September 2011, The Joker will coat every surface of the batmobile with silly putty.


Any suggestions on how to go about doing it?
You may want to create a string like this:
std::string myString;

Declare a few of those, do a few operations, and voila... your answer
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