Start with c++?

Hello, is it possible as a 15 year old to learn c++ as my first programming language ? I have no prior experience in scripting or programming but i really wanna learn c++ but is it possible for me as my first language ?
Age has nothing to do with learning.
But if you are new to programming
i recommend you to learn "C" before learning C++
since C++ is extension of C

C++ is not an extension of C, and there is no reason to learn C before C++ unless you like collecting habits that you'll need to get rid of.
C++ is not an extension of C, and there is no reason to learn C before C++ unless you like collecting habits that you'll need to get rid of.

Pretty much this. Just learn C++ first. I didn't have any issues and I started about that age too.
Firedraco how did you learn it ? Like any good book or sites to learn it ?
First, rethink yourself.

Making a program is the same as solving a common Math exercise. :)
Eg :

int a = 10;
int b = 20;

int average = (a / b) / 2; // = (10 + 20) / 2 = 15;

Programming requires perfect accuracy, so you must obey 100 % programming grammars (For specific languages such as C++ that you want)
For simple example :

int a = 10; //This command creates a variable name 'a' with initiation value is 10
int b = 35 //Error : Missing (;) - All commands must be ended by (;) symbol - 100 % rule

You need to download a compiler (Visual C++ 2008 is recommended)

How to make a program :

1- Create a base (root) that is used to start any program (100 % rule) , For ex C++

Console programs :

void main([...]) //Parameters are allowed to ignore or not
{ // Start program root

[...] // code here


2- Think about the target. For example you want to solve the equation ax + b = 0... Then each problem you'll need to :
- Get all necessary variables. You'll need to determine the input-output that you should have. For Ex equation ax + b = 0

Input : a, b (a = 0 is not allowed)

Output : x

- How to solve the problem. Map the algorithm.

Step 1 : Input a,b
Step 2 : ax = -b
Step 3 : x = -b / a

A note : When a new value is generated after a calculation expression, you should pick a variable to store that value before it will be destroyed later.

Then, valid algorithm map :

Step 1 : Input a,b
Step 2 : b = b x (-1) (-b) //Store the final value (b x (-1)) into b variable.
Step 3 : x = b / a

Now you know the algorithm and you are totally ready to write your own code! And finally, my right program example :
int x, a = 8, b = 4; //Solving the equation 8x + 4 = 0 ('int' is a kind of variable)
void main()
b = b * (-1); // = 4 * (-1) = -4
x = b / a; // = -4 / 8 = (-0.5)

That's programming. You should find some basic C++ books (PDFs are recommended)
Or It you want, I'll always help you (lifetime) :)
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