General C++ Programming - June 2016 (Page 14)

Issues with a function
I am having issues with one of my functions. it is the option function i am using it to call my switch statement. but I cant seem to be able to get it to work i...
[4 replies] Last: thank you very much. (by FranciscoDiaz)
sorting the result
Hello here is a code. When i try to compile it it shows a n error ** error: 'stod' is not a member of 'std'** even though i have included string library. Can ...
[3 replies] Last: return std::to_string(score); i guess (by Ericool)
Conversion Calculator
I am supposed to be creating a program that converts roman numbers to its decimal values. I have done something, but the math is wrong. When entering MCMLXXVIII...
[3 replies] Last: think of a dictionary( std::map ) that contains your roman number and ... (by Ericool)
June 2016 Pages: 1... 121314
  Archived months: [may2016] [jul2016]

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