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Robo-Ninja Vs. Ninja-Zombies MMO: Programmers needed (no pay)

My vision for video games is vast but I have not the technical expertise to program them myself. I wish to create a 3D, low-graphics(Warcraft III level of graphics) MMO set in a feudal Japan-like world featuring Zombies, Robots, Animalistic People(Anthros), and mythological creatures such as Ogres, Tengu(Bird men), and Kitsune(Fox Spirits) as playable character races. The scope is similar to World of Warcraft but is instead a hack&slash in which anyone can try to kill anyone else. An anarchynistically styled world without the comfort of feeling safe from assassins in your own alliance's city.

I will not pay and am also incapable of paying as I have little money and no credit card. If you're not interested but know where I can find a free game programming program in c++ with instruction on the internet I would be truly grateful for the information.
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Hmm...well I doubt there are just "game programming programs" out there...you will most likely have to learn as you go and program yourself.

Check out:
3d Blender

Others will probably have more info then me, but these should get you started.
Also check out www.ogre3d.org

Also, think of it this way. Wow took something like 3-5years to develop with approx 100+ people, and on the order of 10-100million$ USD
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Well consider also that I'm not trying to make quests or develop a huge game world like world of warcraft. Mostly I'm just trying to make a game engine that I can use to create the world. Physics, graphics, sound, AI, and combat. Thanks for the sites.
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