Did you ever use this?

Pages: 12
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
I have finally started. I have been planning on it for about 3 weeks now.
Nah, Code blocks is faster and does the same thing. Using an online compiler doesnt feel professional lol :)
closed account (G309216C)
As for remake of GUI I use WPF(.NET) because of the ease of usage although the back-end of the functionality is native C++ and C therefore I don't tend to use much of Native C++ GUI as it does lack richness of the GUI therefore I stick with these ".NET" related GUI programming but with powerful language such as x86\x64 Assembly, C\C++.

On topic.

To be honest online compilers lack lot of debugging techniques which we can use with Desktop based IDE\Compilers.

The next reason I never use these online compiler, is due to the fact that it is very hard to even know if someone is looking through the code and such, there are few major Online IDE based sites which offer good debugging and other features, enough to start a large project, but companies have been legal but they still exploit loopholes in law which permits them to check over projects and such and these would be insecure if developing a good algorithmic project which is next-generation.

Aside these obvious facts many of these websites which have these type of features built in tend to propagate malware.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
Nah, Code blocks is faster and does the same thing. Using an online compiler doesnt feel professional lol :)

what are you talking about? Koding was perfectly fine for me. and how is it not professional?
ne555 wrote:
> I use ideone (...) if I'm too lazy to open my IDE.
You may not realize this, but navigating to ideone.com, inputting code, and waiting to see the output is actually less hasslesome than opening an IDE, creating a project, and running the project. The problem is that IDEs make projects extremely bulky. Also, ideone saves you from writing the commandline (if that annoys you).

You may not realize this, but navigating to ideone.com, inputting code, and waiting to see the output is actually less hasslesome than opening an IDE, creating a project, and running the project.

That depends on the speed of your internet. Sometimes I have so many family members streaming videos online that I find it faster to simply open an IDE.

And DTS, like I said, the speed depends on your internet capacity. Someone having a 20 Mbps connection will open a website slower than someone who has a 100 Mbps connection. Granted they're using computers with similar specs, the time spent opening an IDE will be identical. Also, I find it feels unprofessional simply because the security on some websites is extremely low.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
@ GOE: sorry if you took that offensive. i was merely curious why you felt it was unprofessional, as i have never coded in a professional environment.
DTS I didn't take your comment as offensive, I was just offering my explanation.
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Pages: 12