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  • Im making an amazing cake/pie, its a mis

Im making an amazing cake/pie, its a mississippi mud pie, whats your favorite pie or cake?

here's the link.


This ones a lot of work, lots of stages and whisking etc, I believe the mississippi mud pie to be a great American invention that is possibly superior to the quaylime pie.

I like putting melt in the mouth lamb or venison with merlot and cranberry gravy in pies but im not focusing on savory pies here.
My favorite pie is tau.
Hey, now it's mine too!

[edit] Oh.. and as for food... I think good old apple pie wins the day for me, but I'm partial to lemon merengue and cherry as well.
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oh yeah morello cherry pah with double cream.

yeah I always thought tau was what pie was supposed to be.
Don't really like pie honestly...but I don't eat it very often so there might be some kinds that I haven't tried yet that would be nice.
blackberry pie with vanilla ice cream
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
Cake: Chocolate cake
Pie: Blueberry pie w/ whipped cream
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