Paul Walker

Pages: 12
closed account (3qX21hU5)
Movies are like music in my opinion. Everyone has their own taste in what they like. I mean I tend to generally enjoy a lot of movies that the majority of people hate. It really all comes down to personal taste or the mood you are in (Sometimes I just want to watch a movie that requires very little of my attention).

I have lately been into watching Sci-Fi and Fantasy movies like Cloud Atlas (One that you have to pay attention in or you just wont get it) , V for Vendetta (Great movie), Serenity and Firefly, Reign of Fire, ect.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
you dont have to watch the hobbit to watch lotr. the hobbit comes first chronologically. and rubber is amazing! i cant understand why no one likes it. speaking of lotr (<3) i can almost speak one of the fan made elvish languages (very inline with the one in the book though)

edit: and the hobbit was good for a movie. i didnt find part one to be like the book but they never are (except for the original hobbit which was very close to the book)
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DTSCode wrote:
and rubber is amazing! i cant understand why no one likes it.

Guessing for these reasons:
Movie about a car tire.
Tire has telepathic powers.
Tire is named Robert.

Just those points alone would make me think it was some retarded movie and not give it a chance. I hear it is on Netflix, so I will give it a watch and give my final verdict.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
your probably not going to. no one does. :( it makes me sad
DTSCode wrote:
and rubber is amazing! i cant understand why no one likes it.

I understand completely why no on likes it. We have grown up in a time where all movies have some sort of point to them that is spelled out for us through the story and character interactions. Everyone forgets the premise that is told to us at the beginning of the movie and throughout the duration of the movie you find yourself asking questions to yourself about the movie. "Why is the tire alive?" "How does the tire have powers?" "Why is it going around killing everyone?" "Why are the people in the desert watching it?" etc. The reason the movie is considered terrible is because the viewers are mad because these questions are never answered and a lot suddenly assume that the ending is a setting for a sequel. Everyone takes this movie as a B-Horror Movie. And with this assumption, rightfully so.

I completely disagree with the above paragraph, granted they are based off assumptions I came to from watching the movie and then watching reviews of it. I agree, it is a great movie and it makes you constantly think and remind yourself of the answers to the questions that spring to mind as you watch it. From the start they introduce things that make you start asking yourself questions and they even tell you what the whole premise of the movie is. You have to remember this premise and keep it in your mind while watching the entire movie. As every event starts happening and you keep going back to the premise the movie takes on less of a horror tone (yes animals, things, and people get killed to give it a feel of a horror movie) and more of a comedy tone.

The whole premise of the movie is to pay homage to things that happen for "no reason" and as you start watching and keeping that in your mind you start to answer your own questions and finding humor in a lot of the movie events. "Why is the tire alive?" 'No reason' "How does the tire have powers?" 'No reason' "Why is it going around killing everyone?" 'No reason' "Why are the people in the desert watching it?" 'No reason'.

I honestly was fully prepared to come and post a rant about how dumb it was and retarded, but my mind was quickly changed once I realized it actually makes you question the movie and think back to the opening scenes throughout the entire movie. There are almost no movies out that actually do that, instead a majority of them give you some bull back story they just expect you to blindly accept or hold your hand through the movie and spoon feed you the information at key points. I actually found myself enjoying Rubber and added it to my Netflix list to watch again later on.
Last edited on by closed account z6A9GNh0
I too liked Rubber.
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