ChessPlusPlus code

Ok what the hell, I hate this freaking code snippet:

template<class NewState, typename... Args>
void changeState(Args &&... args)
    //make sure we can create the new state first
    std::unique_ptr<State> temp {new NewState(std::forward<Args>(args)...)};
    //then swap ownership
    //temp properly deletes the old state at the end of its scope

It's confusing. I have no idea what's going on, other than it can change the state pointer of Application. But I don't understand the point of the variadic templates here at all.

And while asking around, it was brought to my attention that:
state.reset (new NewState (std:forward<Args> (args)...));
can accomplish the what this function does, but in one line.

If someone wants to walk through this code, that would be awesome.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
the ability to do it in one line doesnt always make it better. and it looks like it is changing a global called state of type State to hold the new args
Ha ha! I'd bet that was written by LB!
closed account (3qX21hU5)
@Catfish lol I was thinking the same. Nothing wrong with the code just a bit more complicated then it needs to be in my opinion.
I'm almost certain LB wrote this lol. To me it just looks like going overboard with C++11
closed account (o1vk4iN6)
That code is no different than emplace() provided by some of the standard library containers ?

All it allows you to do is construct an object by passing the arguments of a constructor to the changeState function which then sends those arguments to the constructor. It allows you to use any constructor without having to create a function definition for every possible constructor an object has.

You could just do this, the swap is a bit redundant really.

template<class NewState, typename... Args>
void changeState(Args &&... args)
    state = std::unique_ptr<State>(new NewState(std::forward<Args>(args)...));

And while asking around, it was brought to my attention that:
state.reset (new NewState (std:forward<Args> (args)...));
can accomplish the what this function does, but in one line.

That's assuming the destructor for the object of state doesn't throw an exception, otherwise i'm pretty sure you'd have a memory leak. Though i doubt any destructors throw an exception.
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ResidentBiscuit wrote:
I don't understand the point of the variadic templates here at all.
Variadic templates are used because a type that inherits AppState doesn't have a guaranteed size of parameters in it's constructor.

If this is the case, then both of the following code snippets will work:
App.changeState<AppStateGame>(std::ref(app), std::ref(display));

App.changeState<AppStateSomething>(std::ref(app), std::ref(display), "Some other parameter that happens to be a string");

It's not overboard with C++11, it's simply taking into account that there might be more than 2 parameters in an AppState ctor.
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Yeah yeah I get it now. I hadn't considered that, and the only example of its use in the code didn't do it justice :)
There wasn't a reason for extra parameters to be used int he example I created. I should probably fix that.
An example where this would be useful would be, say, a credits screen or something that outputs your score from the game. The score variable could be passed from the game state to the credit state via the constructor.
> because a type that inherits AppState doesn't have a guaranteed size of parameters in it's constructor.
¿is it right and just for the `AppState' to be created inside the `changeState()' method?

Also, consider the only call of the method
        chesspp::Application app {disp};
        app.changeState<chesspp::ChessPlusPlusState>(std::ref(app), std::ref(disp));
`disp' is stored as a member in `app' (a reference called `display'), and `app' can be obtained with `this'
You only add noise and make it error prone.
whens this finnished??
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