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To everyone - What have you accomplished today? :)

Hello, all. As someone trying to do a little bit more of programming each day, I thought I should create a topic for others who are trying program more in their daily lives, as well as for those who are already experienced and are trying to achieve their own goals. The idea is to support, invoke morale and motivate one another. I think I would feel more motivated if I'm surrounded by other programmers and see what others' projects are; I think others might, too. Whether you are a beginner learning from a book (like me) or someone who is able to create advanced programs, feel free to post and say what you did today! Feel free to show us any of your work.

I'll start. Today, I didn't do as much as I did yesterday, but I did at least one hour of learning. Still confused on the relationship between consts, pointers, and now the auto alias. I'll just reread those sections in my book. I feel like I'm getting better at learning C++ though.
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This sounds like it should be in the Lounge rather than General C++ Programming.
There isn't a way to delete it. Should I wait for a mod to move it or is it okay to repost in Lounge?
Right above your first post should be a button labeled "Edit Topic". Click on that, and you should be able to select a new forum in a drop-down selection menu.
Dear diary :P

Today I worked on a space shooter engine and I finished the basic entity class. I learned about creating concrete types (types which can only be dynamically created) using this article: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/More_C%2B%2B_Idioms/Concrete_Data_Type

And welcome to the world of C++!
There are no types which can only be dynamically created.
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