weird mint boot

Hi all! I was doing stuff on my laptop (which currently runs only linux mint (based off ubuntu) and grub as the boot loader) and then had to go to work. my laptop turned on, and when i came back, i booted it up, and it acted like a normal boot. then after it finished showing the mint logo like normal, it booted into this weird ash shell with the prompt (initramfs). i made some calls, and my friend told me it could be because my harddrive was bad. bios diagnostics said that there was a problem, and then i ran some hdd tests with hirens, and it said there were two weak sectors, and ran another program on hirens to fix them. i then ran another test that said everything is fine, but it still boots to that weird prompt. how can i fix this? thank you all
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I don`t really know your problem here, but get Grub2 onto a usb and install it, live boot will be required. Search around Google and you will find instructions to install Grub2.
I had another error on my Ubuntu and than my Kali Linux, I was dual booting and Grub wouldn`t boot for me but Grub2 fixed it.
Your mint instalation probably got damaged. You can try to restore it or make a fresh install.

And think about new hard drive. If you have started having bad sectors, more will probably come.
@yellowpyrmid: it lets me boot to mint. grubs not the issue here. mint just boots into this weird prompt.

@miinipaa: so is there no way to fix it then? how would i restore it? i dont have a backup. i think i might get a new terabyte hybrid but i would still like to get these files back. I have a recuvva disk (actually i need to make one) but i would rather get the os working first.
Hmm, if you can paste exactly what the prompt is, that would be cool.

Try running 'startx' from this prompt.
i cant paste the one on my os, but i did find it on an so post let me go grab it

BusyBox v1.18.5 (Ubuntu 1:1.18.5-1ubuntu4) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.


and ok ill try running startx. that program completely slipped my mind. does mint have it though? i thought it was just for if you wanted a gui on terminal based os like raspian or backtrack?

edit: i dont think any of the numbers in the output box are neccesarily correct. but i dont think that matters
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i fixed it. i used this: and used a live ubuntu disk. it then booted correctly
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