Area 51 - The Frantic Caller

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closed account (z0My6Up4)
@BHX Specter - you think this is a big joke? One day you might be smiling on the other side of your face when the truth finally dawns on you.
flint wrote:
Are you sure that nothing has happened in 17 years?

Yes. Nothing really unusual has happened in the last 17 years. Natural and man-made disasters have been occurring for centuries, and there has not been a noticable increase in the frequency of them.

September 11th 2001?

So... let me get this straight.

Aliens are controlling the US government... so the US government could control some terrorists.... so the terrorists could destroy 2 buildings?

Couldn't the aliens just drop some kind of mega bomb and level the entire city? Or country? Or world?

Humans already have the technology to level entire cities.... so certainly these aliens do. Remember we're talking about a species capable of faster-than-light travel -- so they'd have to be extremely technologically advanced.

Massive climate changes and 'natural disasters'?

Natural disasters have existed for millions of years. And for the most part we know what cause them (read: it's not aliens). The frequency of natural disasters has not really increased in the past 17 years.

We also know what's causing climate change (read: not aliens).

But let's put this back into context. The guy in that youtube video said.. and I'm quoting here... "They want those major population centers wiped out so that the few that are left will be more easily controllable".

Now explain to me how this makes any sense:

- Name one "major population center" that has been wiped out in the last 17 years. AFAIK there haven't been any.
- Climate change may eventually cause truly horrific global catastrophic events, and may wipe out a significant portion of the global population... but that will take hundreds or maybe even thousands of years. If that was these aliens plan... then they're inefficient to the point of being completely retarded.
- If the goal was to wipe out people to make the others more easily controlled, why would they stay secretive? Control comes by fearing our oppressor... but how can we fear someone who doesn't show themselves? Couldn't they just show up, destroy all our military bases, level a few cities, and have all of us basically enslaved in like 2 days?

Are you waiting for CNN to give it to you on a plate?

I'm waiting for more than an obviously delusional quack on some radio show spouting nonsensical alien theories that have already been disproven.

What are you saying here really? That you cannot possibly think of a way that anyone or anything can travel the vast distances of space and so it must be impossible to do so.

No.. I'm saying that the vastness of the universe makes the odds of this happening statistically impossible.

Let's look at what would be necessary for this to happen:

1) There would have to be another species on another planet that is intelligent and extremely advanced technologically. (Given how big and old the universe is....I'm all but certain this is true)
2) There would have to be a way to manipulate space-time in order to travel at speeds fast enough for interstellar space travel.
3) Even if you can travel at the speed of light... a significant portion of the universe is millions or even billions of light years away. So this species would not only have to exist, but they'd have to be relatively close. Or else they'd need to be able to travel at like 1000x the speed of light. And even then it might still take hundreds of years to get here.
4) They'd have to know... that of all of the trillions upon trillions upon trillions upon trillions of planets in the universe... that Earth has life on it.
5) They'd have to have some interest in Earth. Enough to spend time and effort in enslaving it. Considering how technologically advanced they'd have to be to know we're here and get here... we probably don't have much to offer them -- they probably don't have anything to gain by being here.
6) Despite being so technologically advanced in the realm of space travel.... they would have to have basically zero technology invested in military/weaponry. What other reason would there be to covertly enslave us rather than just using superior technology to enslave us?

Is all of this possible? Realistically...'s not. Any one of those things I can maybe see. But the odds of all 6 of them being true is zero. It's completely insane.
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flint wrote:
@BHX Specter - you think this is a big joke? One day you might be smiling on the other side of your face when the truth finally dawns on you.

No you misunderstand. I don't just think it is a big joke, but that you and anyone that believes these conspiracies are a big joke too. I'm equal opportunity for thinking things are a big joke.
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What are you saying here really? That you cannot possibly think of a way that anyone or anything can travel the vast distances of space and so it must be impossible to do so.

It's not that disch just can't think of a way. To do so (for any non-random (i.e. meaningful) information to travel faster than light) is a contradiction of Einstein's special relativity. Special relativity belongs to a really hardcore group of physics. It is one which has very accurate predictions of what should happen, that all match up to all experiment, that has stood the tests of experiment after experiment and all observations up until this time.

I'm sorry but this view is lame. You do not know everything and neither does established science

This view is certainly not lame. To say that some meaningful information could travel faster than light is as fairly tale impossible as saying that King Kong was actual footage from a nature documentary or that your car turned into a viking longboat. All of these things have an equally good foundation in reality.

In case anyone was wondering about galaxies receding faster than light:

They are not moving faster than light, they only appear to do so. What is actually happening is that new space-time is being created all the time everywheres. Due to this, the distance between the galaxies is growing (without the galaxies themselves actually moving apart due to their velocity) and the further a galaxy is away from you, the more space-time separates you and thus the further it moves away over time. i.e. Further away objects get even more far away faster.

At a certain distance, the amount of space-time separating two galaxies is so great, that more space-time will appear between between them in a given time than light can traverse in that same time. This force is predicted by both quantum mechanics and general relativity (it's the thing Einstein famously originally called the biggest blunder of his career) and is currently known as dark energy.

closed account (z0My6Up4)
@Disch let us get to the root of this now. I want to respond to your latest posting because you are distorting what I have said once again and you are deliberately (or accidentally?) mis-stating what the caller in the video was saying.

1. Are aliens controlling the US government?
You are asking the wrong question. Without going into too much detail there exists a shadow government that is like a spider and it has it's tentacles extended over every nation on this planet. It is the shadow government that decides who the puppet politicians are going to be all around the world. When you get into realising that this is how the world is run, then you can start to see that the shadow government obviously has a sinister intent. After all why are they in the back ground and why do most people fail to even see them? I will say that they are in the background because they are up to no good - from our point of view. Now what controls the shadow rulers of the world? They have not been in charge for four years, but for many thousands of years and their influences have come from outside of our five sense reality.

Disch, do you ever wake up in the morning and just feel that something is not quite right with life? You get up, you eat, you go to work, you go to sleep in a cycle that lasts for 40 years. At the end of it you die and are buried.
Don't you see that something is wrong here? I'm saying that they (the shadow government) and their alien masters have us enslaved.

2. Population control?
Again without going into too much detail I can see how they are trying to reduce the world population of humans. You see you can't think of this in the short term. Our lives are short term. You need to think of this in terms of the big game of time. For example, when a few men walked the earth, soon after the dinosaurs vanished those few could be easily controlled. A few hundred people can be monitored 24/7 no problem. But something happened to the earth's population and it massively expanded There are today over 7 billion people on the planet. How can a malevolent force control 7 billion people? You see they are the few, we are the many. The few can only control the many by hoodwinking them into thinking that 'they are free' and 'there is no conspiracy'. But more and more people are waking up to what is going on and this is one of the reasons why they want to dramatically reduce the population of the world.

No, they do not want to level a city with a bomb and overtly show their intent because that could trigger an up rising. I believe that we by far out number them. Their game has been and remains a long term strategy. So you get things like genetically modified food that (if you eat it) will genetically modify us. You get CIA / NSA controlled internet that is flooded with $orn to keep a generation of people from having regular sexual relations. You get climate change which is not caused by the crap that the mainstream media tell us, but is a part of what they are doing to our environment to reduce the population in the long term. Then of course are the wars. Think long term. Think about how many millions were wiped out from the first and second world war. There will be a third world war that will be even more devastating and we will be made to think that it was a human war when in reality it was forces outside of humanity that engineered it.

3. But how did they get here?
You (Disch) need to get out of the mindset that the aliens are 'out there' and separated from us by space and time. The caller mentioned that they were 'Extra Dimensional'. I take that to mean that they are not necessarily from some other planet out in space, but right here - right now. Think of a radio or tv channel. If I flick my tv over from the sport channel to the movie channel, when I am watching the movie channel where is the sports channel? Has it ceased to exist? Obviously it has not, it is just that I have tuned into a different channel. On the same principle it could be that they are here but we are not tuned into them. NASA has all of these false flag operations that are designed to alter the public perception and make people think that life is 'out there' when really we need to just change our frequency of perception.

I'm waiting for more than an obviously delusional quack on some radio show spouting nonsensical alien theories that have already been disproven.

But you would do well to open your mind and seek the truth rather than tow the party line.
Well, let me refute-

Without going into too much detail there exists a shadow government that is like a spider and it has it's tentacles extended over every nation on this planet.

No, no. Go into detail, because otherwise you really are just a crazy person spouting off nonsense. No detail, no evidence. Also, please provide more than just conjecture- I can spew off nonsense just as easily as you are with no actual evidence.
flint wrote:
Without going into too much detail there exists a shadow government that is like a spider and it has it's tentacles extended over every nation on this planet.
flint wrote:
Again without going into too much detail I can see how they are trying to reduce the world population of humans.

You just hit the nail on the head on how conspiracy theories work and how conspiracy theorists sucker other idiots people into their beliefs.
Oh boy... another tin foil hat guy.

Without going into too much detail there exists a shadow government that is like a spider and it has it's tentacles extended over every nation on this planet.

Before I go off on how completely absurd this is, do you have any proof of this at all? Or is this just more whack-job conspiracy theories?

That said.. there is definitely corruption in politics by people who would rather not be known... but it's certainly not extraterrestrial, and it's more about hoarding wealth and power than about enslaving the masses.

In fact, a couple of them got exposed recently. Though the reality of this "Illuminati" is not as mysterious and secretive as conspiracy theorists believe. Really, they're just Wall Street thugs.

Disch, do you ever wake up in the morning and just feel that something is not quite right with life?

No. My life is amazing. I wake up healthy and happy virtually every day.

If you don't... I might suggest changing what you're doing... and actually focus on things that you enjoy doing -- rather than ranting about how you're being oppressed by invisible alien overlords.

Again without going into too much detail I can see how they are trying to reduce the world population of humans.

Then they're clearly incompetent. The global (and national) population has been steadily growing and is showing no sign of changing.

In fact... the powers at be seem to be hell-bent on there being more people:

1) Abortion is illegal in most places
2) Birth control is unavailable to most of the world.
3) Education on sex and birth control is virtually nonexistent
4) Birth control is even outright forbidden in various religions

For example, when a few men walked the earth, soon after the dinosaurs vanished those few could be easily controlled.

Dinosaurs and humans were separated by millions of years.

How can a malevolent force control 7 billion people?

Like I've said repeatedly in this thread.

If they have the technology capable of interstellar space travel... all they have to do is nuke a dozen cities to scare us in line. For starters, that would solve the population problem. And secondly, we'd see that they are so far ahead of us technologically that there'd be no way for us to fight them and we'd be forcibly enslaved.

Seriously... it would take 2 days. Tops.

No, they do not want to level a city with a bomb and overtly show their intent because that could trigger an up rising.

They could squash any uprising. These are extremely advanced aliens that, according to you, have had mind-blowing space travel technology since the early days of humans (ie: millions of years). You really think our pathetic bullets are going to stop whatever technology they have been sitting on and developing for millions of years?

You get climate change which is not caused by the crap that the mainstream media tell us, but is a part of what they are doing to our environment to reduce the population in the long term.

So you are ignoring proven science... things that have been tested, measured, and observed to be true.... in favor of hidden alien conspiracies?

I don't know what to say to that.

The caller mentioned that they were 'Extra Dimensional'. I take that to mean that they are not necessarily from some other planet out in space, but right here - right now. Think of a radio or tv channel. If I flick my tv over from the sport channel to the movie channel, when I am watching the movie channel where is the sports channel?

Oh.... so inter-dimentional travel?

Then they're technology is even better than what I thought before! Man these guys could totally CRUSH us! We wouldn't have a chance!

But you would do well to open your mind and seek the truth rather than tow the party line.

I was going to say the same thing.

Next time you hear something, ask for evidence rather than believing it unconditionally.

If you were more educated you'd probably see why all of your claims are so absurd. Your refusal to accept facts simply because they're "mainstream" is just furthering your ignorance.

You apply a heavy burden of proof for mainstream media and knowledge -- that's good. Skepticism is healthy. Question everything -- I support that.

But maybe you should try applying that same burden of proof to these conspiracy theories rather than just swallowing what some random guy who called in to a AM radio show feeds you.
I'm dumbfound by what some people believe. @Flint is this 'shadowy government' called The Company?

While cosmologists say galaxies are receding at faster than the speed of light, they are using special definitions of distance that are very complicated and hard to grasp. They are only moving faster than the speed of light in "co-moving coordinates" and not in the same sense as in relativity. Relativistic calculations don't apply to this concept of motion in co-moving coordinates.

Whenever I read about it, I always get the sense that this stuff could very well mostly be a bunch of BS.

AFAIK ,What physicists/astronomers meant when they say galaxies etc. moving faster than light, it does not mean they are travelling faster than light , they mean that the space/universe is itself expanding1 at an accelerating rate.Consequently every cosmic body is accelerating w.r.t every other body , and objects very far from us are accelerating even faster , some even faster than light.
This does not break relativity , since the space itself is expanding.

And as to why I believe no aliens have ever reached us , or the solar system , lets say that some intelligent life form has found a way to travel faster than light (say wormholes or by space-time distortion2 ) then they would travel millions of light years finally reaching Earth but they go back because they had a deal with the U.S government, or because they didn't get permission to land their UFO ? It seems illogical that they would come to kidnap a human or give signals by using crop-circles or a strange YouTube video : ;)

All this is BS and YouTube is filled with non-sense-conspiracy videos.

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@Flint: Also on the topic of population control.

The easiest way to accomplish this covertly would be to limit available resources. IE: food production. If these aliens have the worldwide grip you claim... all they'd have to do is start enforcing heavy restrictions on agricultural production.

If there was a genuine famine, the population would thin pretty damn quick.

Instead... in reality... we see the exact opposite. Bills which support GMO food production are worked into law.

When was the last time the first world had a crippling famine? Certainly not in my lifetime. Only real big one I know of from recent history is the Irish potato famine. And that was ~150 years ago:
closed account (z0My6Up4)
@Disch I have tried to explain some of what is going on to you but all you have come up with is to take what I have written out of context and throw in a few insults. What I find incredible is you keep talking about 'proven science'. Do You understand proven science? I defy you to explain quantum physics and string theory to me without copying and pasting from the internet. Can you do that? I don't think you can because you don't really understand. What you are doing is subscribing to mainstream propaganda and you believe it because a bunch of men in white coats publish equations in journals and tell you 'it's true'.

You tell me to get educated, but your education comes from the establishment! What a joke. It seems like your not ready to learn or hear anything new to you. I got to hand it to you though. You are like the capstone on the pyramid. The all seeing and all knowing eye.
You know, flint, rather than simply completely ignoring his argument and slinging insults towards him, why don't you actually have a discussion? Since you're the one who insisted on bringing this up in the first place, at least try to save the sinking boat that is your argument.

I mean, if you can just spout off drivel and, upon it being completely refuted, ignore the entire discussion and start questioning Disch's education (of quantum physics of all things), the least you can do is try to defend what you say after it is torn apart. Even a single word towards it would be nice other than saying that it was taken "out of context." If it was, put it back in. Otherwise, it is a waste of effort to even try, and I'd be better off just reporting your posts and moving on with my life.
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@Disch - There have been plenty of recent famines in the third world (I know you specifically called out 'first world'). I think acknowledging those actually makes your point stronger if you look at those in conjunction with areas that are also driving population expansion.
@Disch I have tried to explain some of what is going on to you but all you have come up with is to take what I have written out of context and throw in a few insults.

What am I taking out of context? I'm actually trying not to do that... and I apologize if I am. I really do not want to do that.

What I find incredible is you keep talking about 'proven science'. Do You understand proven science?

I mentioned proven science exactly once -- with regard to climate change. And yes... I do mostly understand how that science works.

In overly simplistic terms:

- We use combustion as a major form of energy production around the globe.
- Combustion produces carbon emissions as a byproduct. These emissions are even visible to the human eye.
- The carbon acts as a sort of "blanket" covering the planet and trapping in heat.
- Heat from the sun reaches Earth and the carbon blanket prevents it from escaping as quickly, which holds it in longer.
- Heat can't escape... which means overall temperature goes up. Which means climate change.

I defy you to explain quantum physics and string theory to me without copying and pasting from the internet. Can you do that? I don't think you can because you don't really understand.

You're right, I don't understand quantum physics or string theory. Nor have I mentioned them anywhere in this thread.

What you are doing is subscribing to mainstream propaganda and you believe it because a bunch of men in white coats publish equations in journals and tell you 'it's true'.

What you are doing is subscribing to propaganda (from alien conspiracy theorists) and you believe it's true because sometimes you wake up in the morning and feel like there might be something more to life.

At least the claims science makes are testable. If I really wanted to, I could study up on them and test them myself to make sure they're true. You cannot do the same.

Again... I agree that you should question everything. Never take anything at face value. This is good. If you are skeptical of modern science... that's a good thing. Study it, try it out for yourself... and make sure it works. Science doesn't ask you to believe -- it merely is a recording of observations, and can show you how to make those observations yourself.

I find it strange that you refuse to accept scientific explanations (which can and have been independently verified) -- but are quick to accept extraterrestrial explanations (which have never been verified by anyone).

What happened to your skepticism? Why are you so critical of one but so accepting of another?

You tell me to get educated, but your education comes from the establishment!

*shrug* I don't even know what to say to this.
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closed account (D80DSL3A)
flint wrote:
What you are doing is subscribing to mainstream propaganda and you believe it because a bunch of men in white coats publish equations in journals and tell you 'it's true'.

I believe it because the internet works, my cell phone works, etc...

That's hard proof that the theory on which the designs are based is valid.
@fun2code: right?

I am constantly amazed how so many people can claim scientists are full of shit while using all the technology science makes possible.
closed account (z0My6Up4)
I never claimed scientists were full of shi*. My claim is that they don't know everything there is to know about the nature of reality and the universe. Scientific understanding is by it's nature limited. And for what it's worth I am interested in computer science and programming in C++ so I don't know why some have decided to say i write sciences all off as crap.

My point about quantum and string theory is that even though you don't understand it, you believe it is true. You blindly follow the high priests of science. Can't you see the irony of this fact?

You stated earlier that you believed in alien existence. Why are you unable to believe that they exist in another dimension here and now when (as i understand it) science has proven that parallel universes are entirely possible? You know just because you can't see or detect something with your senses does not mean that it does not exist. Looking around my room I don't see the wireless internet. It is only when I 'tune in' and switch on my computer that I can see the internet.

At the end of the day you are entitled to believe what you want. I only posted the frantic caller link as I found it very interesting and wanted to share it.
I never claimed scientists were full of shi*. My claim is that they don't know everything there is to know about the nature of reality and the universe.

Fair enough.
Though I'm also not claiming they know everything.

And for what it's worth I am interested in computer science and programming in C++ so I don't know why some have decided to say i write sciences all off as crap.

You are cherry picking fields you choose to believe. IE: you accept computer science but not meteorology or geology (which explain climate change and natural disasters). There's nothing really wrong with that... but that combined with your fervorous claims of aliens manipulating all life on the planet makes you seem a little... well.... "illogical".

Again I'm very curious as to why you are so skeptical of rational scientific explanations for things like natural disasters, but are so quick to accept that they are caused by aliens without any proof. If you could explain that to me, I'd be appreciative.

Why are you unable to believe that they exist in another dimension here and now when (as i understand it) science has proven that parallel universes are entirely possible?

Why are you so quick to believe it? Why aren't you as skeptical about it as you are of other explanations to the same phenomena?

Besides. Aliens may exist in a parallel universe. Aliens may even be able to move between parallel universes. I don't find either of those that far fetched.

What I do find far fetched is that those aliens would care about Earth so much that they'd try to enslave it... and that they'd be so incompetent that it would take them thousands/millions of years to do it.

Forget all the science... and forget that there's no proof to even suggest these aliens exist. Let's put all that aside for a minute and just look at this with some very basic logic:

The technology necessary to move between parallel universes would be incredibly advanced. Hell, we're a fairly advanced society and we can't even observe any other universes yet. We don't even know for a fact that they exist... we just are speculating that they do. To be able to not only observe them... but to move freely between them --- you'd have to be extremely advanced.

Why would a society that advanced want to waste their time on Earth? What could our primitive society possibly offer them?

And even if there was something here worthwhile for them... with their super advanced technology that is literally hundreds or even thousands of years ahead of our own... why can't they just take it? Why would they need to do all this subterfuge and manipulate us and secretly enslave us?

Nothing you're claiming stands up to basic rational thought. It's just supernatural sensationalism and paranoia. It doesn't make any sense.
closed account (z0My6Up4)
Again I'm very curious as to why you are so skeptical of rational scientific explanations for things like natural disasters, but are so quick to accept that they are caused by aliens without any proof. If you could explain that to me, I'd be appreciative.

It is not every natural disaster that I would claim is caused by malevolent forces. Some 'natural' disasters may well be the result of man. Avalanches don't just 'happen'. Equally some disasters are unexplained and then we can speculate about their cause.

Now if I could go back to the alien issue (please assume that they are real and forget for one moment their science) I would say that there are possibly more than one species of alien. Some may be good and peaceful while others may not and may wish us harm. Do you agree?
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