Programming Nightmare

I'm working on a project which is the continuation of another persons work. Up until recently I haven't had to look at their code as I have been rebuilding the client side from scratch.

Today I had to try and go into the server side code and try to figure out how to fix it and modify it.

It's written in QT. Everything is a QVariant or QVariantMap ( basically a hash map full of arbitrary mixes who knows what ).
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Dang it! You removing the other half makes this remark seem a little odd now, but...
You simply hit your head against the desk ~5 times hoping it makes it clearer to you and dive in while praying the whole time that you get changed to a different task.
I had a change of heart and decided to remove the parts which were a little too negative towards the previous developer.
I can appreciate that and completely understand.
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