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How to trade code to money in cplusplus.com?

I had done an project for 20$. I was really happy, my first trade on the Internet. Then I have been fooled; lost my payment.
What's the secure way to trade code to money in this on this site (and in the Internet)?
PS: I used PayPal
I believe there are websites dedicated to this purpose. People come on and ask homework type programming questions, provide payment, someone does it and then they get paid.
You lost your payment? How did it happen?

When doing projects online it is a good practice to request either full payment upfront or at least half at start and rest at finish. Paypal is one site used and as ResidentBiscuit pointed out, there are other sites dedicated to this purpose. Unfortunately, if a person is going to rip you off, then the site really doesn't matter.
Heh, it was homework.
I was suspecting he would fool me; he gave me all the info and the extra and I was trying to trust he would pay me, but after I gave the program and added all things he want, he never became to cplusplus.com (at least never replied my PM's).
I am feeling like an idiot.
closed account (N36fSL3A)
If he was saying he would through PayPal, try to contact the people; chances are he has one connected to that email address. If he does, you can give them proof of what he said, and then they might suspend his PayPal and give you the money.
@Fredbill Thank you. I'll take some printscreens.
I have already made a request via PayPal but nothing, so I'll contact them.
Fredbill wrote:
If he was saying he would through PayPal, try to contact the people; chances are he has one connected to that email address. If he does, you can give them proof of what he said, and then they might suspend his PayPal and give you the money.
iQChange wrote:
@Fredbill Thank you. I'll take some printscreens.
I have already made a request via PayPal but nothing, so I'll contact them.

That is wishful thinking.

If I'm understanding correctly, you agreed to $20 for the job via PMs or emails. You then coded it and gave it to him, but he never paid you like he said. If that is the case...

PayPal won't bother doing anything because you technically never used them. You agreed to something without initiating the payment through them. As far as they are concerned you are out the money. That is why I said it is good practice to do half the payment upfront or full payment before the project and then that way if you get half payment upfront through PayPal and then they skip the other half ...then maybe PayPal will get involved.

Was the program a trivial one?
@BHX Specter Before I send it, I requested the Payment via PayPal.
So you didn't send it yet, but he hasn't paid for it either?

Either way, you are more than likely going to be out of the money. PayPal won't likely lift a finger. It is better to just keep programming and remember, above all else, NEVER give a program to the person paying you until you get paid for at least half the payment to know they are at least half serious and at least able to give you some financial compensation.
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Yes, I had sent the program, that's why I'm feeling idiot.
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Since you sent it, and he never paid you, I'd say you are out the money. It is only $20 though and isn't that bad a loss (I put $30 in gas into my car every week). Don't feel like an idiot, just take it as a learning experience, move on, and just remember to get half or full payment up front.
It's not surprising that someone who offered to pay you to help them cheat ended up cheating you.
It's not uncommon to provide a striped down version of the software, something that will disable after a "trial" period, or withhold source code until full payment has been received.

It's enough to show them that it'll work (you're not cheating them) without making it useful enough to steal.
Send an encrypted archive (ZIP, RAR, etc.) with the sources so they can see that the code exists, but ask for the money before sending the key.
closed account (D80DSL3A)
Threaten to notify his school of his academic misconduct if he doesn't pay up.
Tell him now you're mad, so you want double!
This only works if the guy was dumb enough to tell him the high school or college. What is iQChange going to do, google the problem hoping he narrows down the college and then send emails of his code and incident to every college that has it hoping they catch him (assuming the college even cares to begin with).
Haha, for a 13 years old brazillian boy, 20$ become 50 R$ ("reais" - monetary system), and with 50 R$ I can travel from my home to airport 10 times. I wont make that kind of trouble because I'm only a school student and a multithreading , Qt and boost C++ programmer. I'm looking to study and be an expert in programming and earn some money. I'll never forget @BHXSpecter and @helios tips!
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