Language question

This may not be the right place to ask, since this is a c++ forum. But i'll try anyway.
I dont know what language I want to learn.
I want to to make either mobile apps, or websites. What language do you suggest i start with?
closed account (10X9216C)
You picked the wrong language, turn around and run. Do not look back.
I think there are some missing posts between the OP and myesolar's...
Rabbagast wrote:
I want to to make either mobile apps, or websites. What language do you suggest i start with?

Mobile apps: mostly Java
Websites: mostly HTML with JavaScript
closed account (30X1hbRD)
@Rabbagast: Try They have courses on web-dev and apps that'll walk you through all the steps of learning the languages
Websites: HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Learn all of them but HTML and JavaScript are the core, CSS just makes things a lot easier in the layout and really saves you from repeating the same bit of HTML code over and over.

Mobile apps Java (for android), C/C++ I think for Windows, and whatever daft thing apple uses for iOS.

(I would stick to android even though I have a disagreement with Java)

the prince wrote:
I've tried them, it's really good. If you want to learn web development I'd definitely say to give them a try.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
and whatever daft thing apple uses for iOS.
That would be C, C++, and Objective C.

Rabbagast, learn to walk before you try to run. Don't worry too much about Mobil or web programming to begin with, just start to learn too program. It is more than the language you use.
Last edited on by Canis lupus
If I had to guess, Windows phones use C#.

Web, HTML/CSS and JavaScript are kind of the core. Depending on what framework you use, you'll also be using PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, C#, etc. There are lots of languages used on the web.
MSDN wrote:
Windows Phone Runtime is a subset of native API that is built into the operating system. It is implemented in C++ and projected into C#, VB.NET, and C++, making it easy for you to consume naturally in the language of your choice.

So C++, C# and VB.NET

MSDN wrote:
making it easy for you to consume naturally in the language of your choice
As long as you don't want Pearl, Ruby, Python, HTML, Java, JavaScript, GENIE, PICAXE, Zombie, etc. :D

Sorry, I'm picky.
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just to put it out there... i make websites with a LAMP stack and make the actual pages in c++
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