
Hello, I have no idea where to go with this request. If this is frowned upon in the community please delete this thread. I've been doing basic c# for a little while now and I have no idea how to do this...

Thought of this last night and dont know how difficult it would be, I need a program thats pretty much an overlay on another application. But the program reads from a .txt of names, and if that name pops up in the app it will put a box around it. Possible?

Thanks for your time if you're reading this, and have a nice day. :)
a) are you looking for this to be done in c#? why not join a c# forum. do you mean something like this? you have app a that contains an arbitrary list of names. before the app starts up though, it reads in a different list of names from a text file. then, if any on that list match, put a red box around that name in the app?
I'm just looking for this to be done. And I dont have enough experience in C++ to know which would be better for this task? And pretty much spot on, but the app wont contain names, it just reads from a .txt then waits for the name to pop up on the other app. As an overlay.
oh you want it to watch a third party app? that might be a bit more difficult and is beyond me. im assuming you are on windows so ill let a more experienced com/winapi programmer take over
I am, Windows 7. :) and thanks for your time
no problem
Does this have to be done with a raw text document? If you used Excel that would save you from having to write up the visual style stuff and you would be able to do it faster in C# with the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel namespace:
It does not, Excel would work perfect.
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