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  • An important Kick starter project that e

An important Kick starter project that everyone needs to be aware of

I was browsing imgur, and found a picture of a kick starter project, with a link to the actual project. I hastily ran over. We need to fund this cplusplus.com. It is important to the c++ community at large and various other languages. with this funded who knows what we will be able to achieve. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/893648353/perfect-bacon-one-mans-journey-everyones-dream
How in the world does this not directly violate KickStarters policy against soliciting personal donations?
How about the potato salad that raised almost 50k. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/324283889/potato-salad?ref=home_popular
How about the potato salad that raised almost 50k. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/324283889/potato-salad?ref=home_popular

Do you think he will really read 5,778 names out loud while making this potato salad, and send out over 3,000 bites.

and send out over 3,000 bites.

Well, we know he's got the funds to make that much potato salad.
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