Fox News...

Pages: 12
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Most 'normal' people have more than the average number of limbs.
Did you know that 50% of people are below average intelligence?

Did you know that's not how the bell curve works? :P
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Did you know that 50% of people are below average median intelligence?
Did you know that 50% of people are below average median intelligence?

Actually it was already probably correct .

Intelligence has historically been thought to follow a normal distribution. In a normal distribution, the average is the mean is the mode. However, researchers have been finding that the normal distribution actually under-represents the number of people in the high intelligence range. A closer model is probably the Pearson type 5 distribution with a higher average than median.

Of course this is based on naive models of intelligence.

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It was only a rough estimate.
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Pages: 12