So I've been learning Git...

Pages: 12
closed account (2LzbRXSz)
Which has been pretty fun actually, but I've started a collection of Git jokes.
Many of which being about the Fork feature.
Examples including
"Fork? I'd rather spoon."
"Fork? I'd rather clone."
"Fork? I'd rather branch."
Though I'm trying to find a neat way to make a commit joke (committing to the idea has been a challenge though).

That being said, anybody have any jokes about Git?
i dont feel comfortable committing any jokes to this thread. at the very least provide the origin of your jokes.
Bobby. I think you should git the hell out of here

Edit: get*
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TarikNeaj: why don't you make me get out? ill git you so bad... youll wish you hadnt been gitted so bad
closed account (2LzbRXSz)
Guys, please! No need to fight over your differences. Why should you push and pull when you can merge your jokes?
vomiting brb
closed account (2LzbRXSz)
Vomiting? You should run git log to figure out where you caught the bug from.
closed account (18hRX9L8)
S G H wrote:
vomiting brb

The word "vomiting" has git in it. I see you SGH...
These jokes are horrible. You all need to commit to gitting lives.
closed account (2LzbRXSz)
Aw man, I guess you're right. Maybe I should not have initiated this thread...
usandfriends wrote:
The word "vomiting" has git in it. I see you SGH...
Where did you learn to spell? I need to go vomit with SGH.
Um... Where did you learn to spell? vomiting? its vomgiting.
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closed account (2LzbRXSz)
Where did you learn to spell? I need to go vomit with SGH.

With the symptoms that you're showing, sounds like you need to get checked out by a doctor/debugger.

fabtasticwill wrote:
its vomgiting

what about GNU source code?
closed account (2LzbRXSz) I was going through the xkcd archive
whats xkcd?

/me remembers he needs to git init his current project before he deletes everything out of frustation because fuck c
closed account (2LzbRXSz)
I have to finish up those git lessons.

P/S: Make sure you sanitize your database inputs
closed account (18hRX9L8)
LB wrote:
Where did you learn to spell? I need to go vomit with SGH.

vomiting ==> git
That's quite a stretch.
closed account (2LzbRXSz)
I saw it too, but I couldn't resist the git init joke.

Plus, I wanted to make a joke that was a git different.

If only I could checkout an earlier version of this thread, but it's not a big deal to merge the ideas now.
Pages: 12