Is it just me?

closed account (13bSLyTq)

Its been really bothering me for few days, basically I was trying to solve a puzzle and I spent a lot of time on it and I still couldn't get it and when I looked at the solution I though to myself "how am I so stupid? I cannot amount to anything".

I want to do something to do with science or mathematics and as you know its not really the way to go as science and mathematics require a lot of problem solving.

Don't get me wrong but, I do get up a lot of ideas and possibility and get new ideas for physics and stuff and even people say my ideas are very very very good and amazing however some-times I just don't understand and get screwy about few problems. I do get A* and A's in my school, so not being being headed but I would not call myself a idiot.

I want to ask so say we have a mathematical Problem X and we never done the topic for it or never done a question similar to that but understand how we possibly could execute it but cannot get it even after few hours\days would you call yourself "uncreative"?

If not what would you think?

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"how am I so stupid? I cannot amount to anything".

Jesus you took that way too far.

I would not call myself a idiot.

It sounded to me like you practically did. "I cannot amount to anything" is a pretty harsh reaction to something so minor. Chill out and don't beat up on yourself so much.

I want to ask so say we have a mathematical Problem X and we never done the topic for it or never done a question similar to that but understand how we possibly could execute it but cannot get it even after few hours\days would you call yourself "uncreative"?

No. Not at all.

Not being able to solve 1 problem on your own isn't really that big of a deal. Even if the problem is "simple". It actually happens more often than you think. Sometimes your brain just heads down the wrong path and you can't get off of it.

Taking a break can help, or getting someone else's viewpoint can also help. It's why on good production teams, problems are typically attacked by multiple people -- or at least if it's just one person working on it, they have someone else they can go to if they get stuck. Sometimes you just need a fresh set of eyes for a problem -- it's not a big deal and it doesn't make you look incompetent. It's just part of being human.
You seem to be under the distinct impression that you are required to understand everything the first time around. You should keep in mind that the developement of mathematics and mathematical theorums has taken the human race mellinia to develope, and we're still learning! So, when you don't quite understand somthing you've just learned and have only been having a hard time on it for two hours, think about this: the work your being taught was some long-dead mathematician's work, and he probably spent months or years trying to figure it out before coming to the answer.

Don't beat yourself up just because you can't re-accomplish the mathematic discoveries humanity has made. None of them were trivial, and they won't simply become trivial as their usage becomes more common.
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Also consider that people have different learning styles. Some people get things immediately but have a hard time developing a deep understanding, and some people take a long time to understand things, but in time gain a deeper understanding.

closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
Best advice that I can muster is to not always expect instant gratuity, but rather try to hone your will and keep attacking the problem until you conquer it. Throw everything you have at it, including Google and don't be afraid to fight dirty. Balancing ample activity, rest, diet, and social outlets is also critical, however it varies from person to person. You'll have to find your own balance.

Good luck!

PS. It's not uncommon to take weeks or months to fully grasp a new concept, framework, or tool. I've been plugging away at my latest venture for 2 months already and I'm just starting to come to grips with it. The most important thing is having the drive (or in my case bull headed stubbornness) to never give up.
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