What is this?
> What is this?
Why are you in the mood to respond to a mere advertisment?
It's spam and should be reported as such, not replied to.
If you just report it without replying, it gets deleted ipso facto. Now this thread gets to stick around for no good reason.
helios wrote:
If you just report it without replying, it gets deleted ipso facto. Now this thread gets to stick around for no good reason.

That is why I contacted site admin requesting it be deleted due to is serving no purpose on the site at all.
Oh i didn't know, sorry for that.
Hooray!! My 1024th post!!
not really closed account 5a8Ym39o6 (341)
Why not (340) or (341.3333)?

I'm personally perfectly fine with (340) but not with (341).
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