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  • Do you bypass the objectification. Is it

Do you bypass the objectification. Is it normal.

Pages: 12
closed account (367kGNh0)
The harsh reality of this world is unrecoverable and merely depressing. Though we draw attention to it, we only acknowledge the error in that which is inhumane and that which, even to the slightest level, affects you. You scoff at those who show pity to that which you are aware is corrupt but ignore as it fuels your desire. You may have assumed what I am critisizing but I confirm now it is the normality which is present in most stadiums dotted over the states of America, it is the cheerleader act. I do not claim it is present every but conclude it is
found in the lot of them. The males trudge in the pitch and get their hands dirty while the females prance and leap on the sidelines. This. Is. Degrading.
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
what do you think?
I think you are trying to start something tedious.
closed account (367kGNh0)
I think you are trying to start something tedious.

No, I just find interest in others views
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This. Is. Degrading.

Not really.

American cheerleading is nothing more than a kind of group dance. Performers exploit differences in their physical strength and size to allow for better performances.

Even if this is an issue, the United States has bigger problems.
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that which you are aware is corrupt but ignore
Whatever you say will not however justify it. I'm certain.
I think you are blind to the truth
What's the point of posting this if you've already made up your mind and you're going to shoot down all discussion?
If this is the way you feel then go about your business. Don't pretend to care about what other people think when you clearly don't.
closed account (367kGNh0)
What's the point of posting this if you've already made up your mind and you're going to shoot down all discussion?
If this is the way you feel then go about your business. Don't pretend to care about what other people think when you clearly don't.

The element of certain fate adds repulsion, and so, more intellectual replies
The women doing the cheerleading don't think so. If you don't like it, don't do it. Some men are rapists, pimps, murderers, pedophiles, etc.. They don't represent all men or our ideologies. Simply, if I think those things are wrong then I wont do it.

BTW, to be a cheerleader in a stadium like that, you have to work HARD. I've seen how hard they work just to audition in my high school before, think how hard they work to impress to be chosen for any actual big events, like football or something (not a sporty person). Degrading or not, again, the ones who do it don't think so. And lets not forget the guys who do cheerleading these days.

If you wonder why there aren't females on the teams on the field, it's simply because men and women aren't built the same. You could always say "some women are stronger than a lot of men", but they likely wont be stronger than the men in professional sports. If you put a male team vs a female team, you already know what's going to happen. Facts are facts.

Now you may want to argue by saying something about how this doesn't change the fact that the men are doing the important stuff and the women are sideline entertainment. Well, that's simply how it turned out. Instead of seeing it that way, why not simply realize that things are how they are because they simply fell into place like that? - Who watches sports? Men. What do generic men like? Action and women. How can we entertain a stand full of these generic men? Sports Filled With Action + Women Cheerleading.

Whether or not degrading, the world is at this point. As Mencken said, "The common man's a fool." I don't know you well enough to gauge your intelligence, but if you think you are superior then take refuge in that, form your opinions, and live by them (or not). Again, understand that while it seems degrading to you, those cheerleaders may be having fun and not seeing it the way you do. Right or wrong? Who can say? Is cheerleading born out of an ideology that women are inferior? Even if it was, is it still viewed through that lens now by most people?
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So you want to ban cheerleaders and steal their jobs? Because you think they're being objectified? What is it you're trying to say?
What is this a poetry contest? Why can't you just say what you want to say in plain words?
closed account (367kGNh0)
What is this a poetry contest? Why can't you just say what you want to say in plain words?

The structure of my speech is merely for formality and increased consideration of the message.
closed account (367kGNh0)
So you want to ban cheerleaders and steal their jobs? Because you think they're being objectified? What is it you're trying to say?

I just think it is wrong, the overall motive is desire. And desire is emotion, emotion is not to always be trusted...
Rascake wrote:
The structure of my speech is merely for formality and increased consideration of the message.

To be frank, nobody cares about how you write as long as it's understandable. If you want to be more appealing then write so that the reader can understand it easily. You took an entire paragraph to just say that you think cheerleaders are objectified. And I had to read your post not once or twice; but thrice. Maybe it's just me but also maybe that's a sign that not everybody appreciates (or understands) such posts.

I'm all for using good vocabulary, but keep your sentence formations simple and to the point.

Rascake wrote:
I just think it is wrong, the overall motive is desire. And desire is emotion, emotion is not to always be trusted...

What do you mean desire is motion and motion is to not always be trusted? What are you implying? I'm pretty sure those women lead normal lives. And if they felt objectified, they wouldn't have chosen to be cheerleaders in the first place. Even if they felt objectified, there are thousands of desperate news reporters waiting for such stories.

If we remove women from cheerleading, shouldn't we remove women from advertisements by using the same logic? If so, then shouldn't we also remove men from advertisements?

At the end of the day, do you really think it's that much of a big deal?

The sad truth is, people are indeed making such stuff a big issue. Formula One took its iconic grid girls off the grid for exactly this reason. But the grid girls are the ones who lost their jobs, and they weren't the ones that complained.

I'm very sure that in the future these kinds of political correctness will be encouraged, and I personally think it's completely unnecessary. Just my opinion.

There are larger matters to worry about.
The structure of my speech is merely for formality and increased consideration of the message.

Formality....a fancy-dancy froo-froo word that strongly implies, "I'm superior to you."

If being so loquacious is your way of encouraging people to participate in a discussion, you failed. You annoyed people to a degree that they have to slap you around.

I can be as pretentiously over-wrought as the next blow-hard, I also know when to be concise and succinct.

"When you wish to instruct, be brief." - Cicero

You'd do well to learn that lesson.
closed account (367kGNh0)

You'd do well to learn that lesson.

I hardly think so. Personally I enjoy the way I talk.

Formality....a fancy-dancy froo-froo word *AHEM SO INFORMAL*

You sound un-educated, dont take this the wrong way but , from reading what you say I imagine for entertainment you read The Sun

The sad truth is, people are indeed making such stuff a big issue. Formula One took its iconic grid girls off the grid for exactly this reason. But the grid girls are the ones who lost their jobs, and they weren't the ones that complained.

I would say it's too late to change, this situation is partly unfortunate as it is partly due not only to the objectification of woman, but the normalisation of the objectification of women.

you failed.

I think the truth was too much for them. Or as I like to say (suprisingly my way of talking has made a few memorable sayings), they are blind to the truth. This filters out those who lack intellect, and intrigues their parallel counterparts.

The fact you address my style of talking is actually flattering, for it means it stands out from the rest.
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Heh, I see yet again you are too arrogant to understand.

Your mind-reading act is a definite bust, even if you were trolling. Kreskin, you ain't.

Which I suspect you've been doing from the start.

Ciao, fly speck.
closed account (367kGNh0)
Adios, But let me ask you something. Aren't we all 10000000x smaller than fly specks in the end?
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
David Lloyd George wrote:
The finest eloquence is that which gets things done.

Heinrich Heine wrote:
True eloquence consists in saying all that is necessary, and nothing but what is necessary.

William R Alger wrote:
False eloquence is exaggeration; true eloquence is emphasis.

Got reported, this place make me laugh. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
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Aren't we all 10000000x smaller than fly specks in the end?

I know I'm not. 🙂
closed account (367kGNh0)
We all are, in comparision to possible Wales alone
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
"Oho!" said the pot to the kettle;
"You are dirty and ugly and black!
Sure no one would think you were metal,
Except when you're given a crack."

"Not so! not so!" kettle said to the pot;
"'Tis your own dirty image you see;
For I am so clean – without blemish or blot –
That your blackness is mirrored in me."
Pages: 12