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Why does this IDENTICAL real-time copy of the forum exist?

closed account (E8A4Nwbp)
Hello, This is NOT a joke, I repeat this is NOT a joke. This may be a glitch on the part of my computer, but if not. Should action be taken?

This is the link to a site IDENTICAL TO the cplusplus forum. Is this concerning?


On a whim I made this search:

and it's the first option.

Even a link to THIS post. https://cryptohugemining.site/forum/lounge/266992/
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closed account (E8A4Nwbp)
Even advertisements are identical in quantity. Is this clone likely for ad revenue?

Strange things happen on this potential counterfeit if you click the "contact us" button at the footer aswell.
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a fake would be tied to some sort of phish or something to sucker people into logging into it by mistake so they can get your login info to use on the real site. I don't see that as being very useful; I think the only info this site has on us is our email address, if that? Every spammer in cyberspace already has the one I signed up with, that is what it is for. And its a low traffic site. If this is a scam / trap / phish copy, the person doing it is an idiot (which is entirely possible).

Are the ads actually different? I can't click on it (or, more precisely, won't). If so, that is your answer... its to get ad money via stolen content, possibly by hoping for google to spot their copy when people search.

if the ads are the same, it may be some sort of project, for analytics or whatever.
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closed account (E8A4Nwbp)
Thank you for your comprehensive response, @jonnin . Valuable knowledge has been shared here by you and @Duthomhas . The lounge is where the forum lives.
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There's actually more than one duplicate of this website. I found them a while back. The reason "strange things happen" when you click contact us is because the fake site isn't actually capable of sending users messages, it's just a fake copy that's very likely missing key components that makes everything work.
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