Back to Windows 10...

Well time to wipe the Windows 11 preview box as it doesn't conform to requirements. It was fun while it lasted.

On the plus side I get a nice clean install of the OS and Visual Studio.
Windows 10 is really a very nice OS.
Too bad MS has to ruin it with all the additional services running hooks to their servers.
you can probably get instructions or muddle through making it stop trying to connect to M$. I know you can run it without a connection, but I don't know how to stop them if you do connect, its probably a large number of switches to flip.
There isn't really any compelling reason to use 11 over 10 anyway, unless you desperately need a GUI refresh for some reason.
I was just playing and poking around, same as I did with Windows 10 preview. Luckily I quite like Windows 10 as it looks like I'll be using it for a it longer, all my hardware is...long in the tooth. I don't like binning perfectly good kit for the sake of a few sparkles.

I was also using it with VS 2022 preview with sample code for Windows App SDK/WinUI 3/UWP etc.
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It is worth watching Barnacules Nerdgasm on Youtube ( He's an ex Microsoft employee who will run you through everything needed to make Windows 10 jump and get Microsoft junkware out.
I admit I still need to do this myself... But I usually function offline, so...
As much as I like Win 10 I personally think Win 7 was a (marginally) better user experience.

Still, all 3 of my desktop boxes are Win 10 on my ad-hoc home network. 2 x64 Pro, the third x86 home. I don't have any over-riding reason to up-grade until Win 10 goes out of support.
That's exactly my problem. 10 is actually a better OS, but 7 wasn't goobered by MS's current policy of being constantly tethered.

^ I use that to keep Windows 10 in check. It works pretty well!

Windows 11 is supposed to have lots of tweaks that make it more optimized.. somehow. On LinusTechTips, one such tweak was apparently having searches on the menu be instant, as opposed to the lag you get when typing into the start menu on Windows 10. But when I tested it myself, Windows 10 start menu's search was really instant for me!

It could be because my start menu searches don't route to the internet for internet matches, something I stopped with ShutUp10.

There were some pretty nice features really that I saw on Windows 11, but the GUI overall compared to Windows 10 just doesn't compare. Can't upgrade to that.
I keep my windows from connecting to MS by defining outbound firewall rules, and allowing only stuff that really need to go out.

Windows 11 is a general failure which will fail just like Windows 8.
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