Thank you for the Articles section!

Pages: 12
This is just a thank-you thread for the new Articles section on this forum. I recognize the large amount of work that I expect went into it, and I do not want the changes to go unapplauded.

Thank you!

Agreed. Looks awesome.
Very impressive work.

This will stop the silly questions being posted in the Articles section as well.
Absolutely - it's particularly nice to have full access to HTML formatting, as well as attached files. Thanks :)

EDIT: Not to mention a "My Articles" list and the ability to save drafts. It's all good basically XD
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Thank goodness, I still can't figure out why people were attracted to posting in the Articles section like flies. The new articles section on the forum is nice, but I can't find the articles that were on the old on (before it redirected to the Articles forum, and the redirect was probably why people posted there)
I'll have to move over some of my older articles =x

But yeah I agree it's great.
I'll have to move over some of my older articles =x

As in from the old "proper articles" section?
No from the articles forum.

Really the headers and includes one is the only one I'm really interested in. Although it could stand a rewrite anyway.
I think all of those have been transferred. I definitely saw the Unicode & WinAPI one there.

[edit] Headers and Includes - Why and How:
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closed account (S6k9GNh0)
My my. That article section looks mighty fine. I'll have to go and beautify all of my articles now (especially the ones that had misleading info, etc.).
go and beautify all of my articles

Now where did I put that sparkly cursor trail script...

Yes, I know that's with JavaScript not HTML really...
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closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
[random]Does anyone else picture a Greek philosopher when you see "Articles"? [/random]

Looking good, now there's an even bigger incentive to write.

I however do not see any way to comment on the articles. I suppose this was intentional, though.
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Serious! I think the new section is quite spiffy!

I'll have to polish my keys for some more articles, to share my meager skills with all you lovely people =]

(Tiiiiime!! *insert fist shake)
Great improvement, but perhaps the articles in teh Articles section should feature a 'discuss this article'/'follow the discussion' button? Yes, you guys did a great job writing them but most of the times the discussions your articles generate are worth reading too :-)

p/s the new edit feature does not update the edited comments immediately, did anyone else notice this?
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Yeah, I did notice that, I have to refresh the page now to see my edit.
I had that too, but it's a fairly tolerable problem IMO.

EDIT: On my articles, I say at the top that I am open to discussion my PM OR email and if bits were interesting, I would of course add them to the article.
If you really wanted, you can discuss it by making a suitably named lounge thread.
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
I like the new Articles section, however I am less keen on the scoring system. I think that you should be able to give a negative feedback if the contents is bad.

'discuss this article' +1

Since the update I have experienced:
having to refresh after an edit.
login problems (I have to go into a forum an view a thread before I get logged in).
404 error (tracking code for-P40) when I click on the 'last' link of a multipage thread that I have participated in.
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negative feedback if the contents is bad

Isn't that what 1 Star and 2 Stars are for? ;)

I have had login problems too, but I haven't paid enough attention to them to be specific.
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Amazing work!
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Isn't that what 1 Star and 2 Stars are for? ;)

It would be it it was universally accepted that only 4 and 5 stars signified 'good'. If you replaced the stars with faces ranging from very unhappy to very happy then it is clear that one and two are on the unhappy side. Stars indicate a positive so one star would signify the bare minimum of usefulness. Giving a low positive is no way to express a negative view.
Pages: 12