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Im taking software engineering next year

So next year im gonna be a college and i just got interested in programming because its really really interesting i dont know how to explain my happiness typing a code. last week i just take and try a 3 day programming class 1 week ago its called visual c++.. I learned how to make Hello World and calculator but i dont understand what did I do because i just copied his code. I want to learn that again but i don't have an idea where to start. What programming language do I need to learn to become a software engineer for a beginner? i was really planning to take a Culinary Arts in college until i heard about software engineering class in my school, i was curious so i entered to that class i don't even have an idea what programming was. :)
Welcome to the club.

It's much easier to learn the process of programming with a slightly higher level structured language like Ruby or Python.

To use C well, you need to have a feeling for how the underlying hardware works, and to use C++ well you need that and a working knowledge of Object Oriented design.

However, beginners are welcome here and there's usually someone who can provide help for any beginner question.
What programming language do I need to learn to become a software engineer for a beginner?
I suggest that you ask what languages are taught at that college/what they recommend. After you learned some concepts of programming it's rather easy to learn another language
You could start with C++. Try the tutorial here:
i was really planning to take a Culinary Arts in college until i heard about software engineering class in my school, i was curious so i entered to that class i don't even have an idea what programming was

Weird change. Anyways, from what I've seen it's people like yourself that tend to fail out of the program pretty quick. Don't be one of those.

First thing I recommend is picking up a high level language and writing lots of code. Both structured and OOP. Structured is easier, IMO, but the world seems to be moving to OOP. They're both important, so understand the differences between the two. Software engineering is as much planning, designing, and thinking about a problem in a logical manner as it is programming. So getting experience just thinking about problems and how you could solve them with software is a must.
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