Batch Coding!

Pages: 123
I made a new site! Its about batch coding.

Here it is:


Please tell this to your friends. I want my site to be known and followed.
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This is what I get from your website:
"Hi! This is a batch coding place! Batch coding! You can batch code for us! You can test our batch code! It's batch coding! You can tell everyone how good we are at saying hi! Hi! No, we don't have any batch code yet! No we don't know how to describe batch coding, but follow us on facebook because we batch code! I mean we will batch code! Some time in the future! After you all sign up to batch code and test our future batch codes and stuff!"

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Each bit patches batches which eat an itchy bit each.
Guys cmon, He just started the site...
I feel like spoonlicker or someone made the site and if I "add a comment using facebook" some foo like spoonlicker will have my facebook name and email address :(
I have one question.
Why the (and how the) hell would you write a game in batch..?
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
better question... why would you do anything in batch, beyond a 20 kb web-page tutorial
I feel like spoonlicker or someone made the site and if I "add a comment using facebook" some foo like spoonlicker will have my facebook name and email address :(

What is your obsession with Spoonlicker? Stop bringing him up all the time!
What is your obsession with Spoonlicker? Stop bringing him up all the time!

getting nervous *evil laugh*
What is your obsession with Spoonlicker? Stop bringing him up all the time!

When i arrived here for the first time there was all this talk of the fabled retarded troll who had clearly left scars on some members of this forum it was like a dark red cloud in the collective subconcious of this community,

some seemed to even boil on the inside at the very mention of his name, the cyber winds of cplusplus dot come still blew the name spoonlicker

I was determined to seek this troll out as a curious young coder might, what would I gain from confronting or conversing with this retarded being I am still uncertain to this day,
But one thing is for certain I could use my meeting for either good or evil, maybe spoonlicker will gift me the secret to being more annoying, maybe i will be able to find out what drives him and use this information to destroy him or exploit whatever trauma has led to his retardation.

Has someone made a program to scan all cplusplus dot com updatey-code-things for the keyword spoonlicker?

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closed account (S6k9GNh0)
spoonlicker hasn't left scars on anyone. Rather, he's just annoying. In retrospect, he's actually done the forum a bit of good by forcing twicker (the only administrator of the forums) to give the forums some due maintenance.

Also, "Batch" scripting doesn't have the same artistic value as say C++, Python, or even bash. Perhaps you should move into PowerShell or better yet, bash, a portable solution at the highest level.
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Catfish seems upset, if that's not a scar what is it??
who's spoon licker?
It's kinda funny, I hardly even remember spoonlicker anymore. I remember lots of us being annoyed with him, but I can't remember anything he actually did anymore.

Definitely no "scars". Unless they're repressed?? Dun dun dun...
This is exactly how I imagined a thread about srs batch coding would look like.
computerquip wrote:
twitch (the only administrator of the forums)
I think you mean "twicker" ;)
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i need to find another forum....
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
L B, I've been watching to much as of late. Thanks for the correction...

Program Programmer, stackoverflow, daniweb, several others. You'll reach the same conclusion probably. You have little to show for your efforts and the topic you wish your site to hold isn't much of a topic.

On a side note, when I was in my high school sci-lab, there were some kids who always talked crap to people who didn't know much about programming... so as a little exploit of how the school shared folders worked, I set up all the computers to figure out if it was them who logged in, call them retarded monkeys in large text, and then log off. It was grand... all done in basic batch commands.
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Program Programmer wrote:
i need to find another forum....
No, you just need to have some useful content on your site before asking others to spread the word of your site.
You were kind of hoping to get it all loaded up with batch stuff without doing it yourself? thas lazy dude, you could have put some stuff in
Pages: 123