
In one of make file from my project i encounter below LDFLAGS

LDFLAGS += --hash-style=sysv

Could somebody help me in understanding meaning of --hash-style=sysv .

man ld, search the hash-style's description.

If the documentation is not enough, then do a websearch. You have enough keywords to find something meaningful.

Idea is to build the application of CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core) but not able to build when the LDFLAGS += --hash-style=sysv.

When i remove this option the application builds however the application builds without removing this option in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3 (Santiago).

Do i need to look some other parameters of the system.
Help me in understand what could be the possible impact if i build the application without this option.

Appreciate any help

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