UNIX/Linux Programming - January 2016

by TomT
decompile page downloaded from server ?
Hi I'm using the following function to download files from a web server. This seems to work well without any major issues. void downloadFile(const char*...
[1 reply] : You'll need some way to identify the files you want to decompress. Th... (by kbw)
by annier
Dealing with undefined reference to ''
Hi All, I am trying to compile the Example_TQ.cpp file as mentioned in https://github.com/sundmanbo/opencalphad/tree/version3/TQ3lib-clean/isoC-Sigli, with the...
[2 replies] Last: Hi Zhuge, After the author has made the following modification in the ... (by annier)
by TomT
using a string in a function.
Hi I want to create a variable called path which contains a fixed path. eg: string path = "/home/tom/"; and then calling a function save the file using...
[10 replies] Last: jlb: Of course, you're right, but I thought it was the other way aroun... (by simplas2002)
How can I continue the process and print out their process ids?
So far my program is working, but I need my program to continue with 9 more processes indicating process 2 is the parent of process 3 and process 3 is the paren...
[1 reply] : http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/183261/ (by TarikNeaj)
hdfsgethost problem
Hi there , I have a problem to pass a value to the parameter to hdfsgethost function. My codes are as below: for (i = 0; i<monitor->nr_files; i++){ ...
[1 reply] : It's returning a 2D array of char*. You need to work out what the ind... (by kbw)
RaspberryPi serial reading CR and causing begging of char array to be overwritten.
First off I'm new to raspberrypi/linux etc, I've been working with Arduino and trying to make my program faster with the Pi. I'm working with UART device sen...
[3 replies] Last: Maybe, but there's nothing stopping you from stripping it off. As you... (by kbw)
Operating system
Hi guys can you please clarify my below doubts, 1. Do I need to know assembly language to build operating system. 2. If I write OS for X86 then can I port it to...
[2 replies] Last: You will need to know some assembly to build an OS. You will need to t... (by Shadowwolf)
I have a question about how much data i-nodes take up for themselves. If every file has an i-node, that means that for every file there is an i-node entry for ...
[1 reply] : wait. nvm. I see now that an i-node contains much more than pointers ... (by supperpiccle)
Configuration File Parser
Hello, i'm currently making my own Server and Client program called(SwC), I want to read from a configuration file called SETTINGS.ini However I can't figure o...
[8 replies] Last: A really simple implementation of your function could be: /* The Lo... (by Shadowwolf)
AutoCompeletion and other stuff in linux
My friend tells me that linux is only good for low level programming, is this true? for example, he tells me qtcreator is too bad for anything other then gui...
[3 replies] Last: Your friend, at risk of sounding harsh, literally does not know what h... (by Moschops)
by Merwyn
Detect keyboard layout
Hello everyone, I am working on a code which use osg and keyboard input. I have implemented an eventHandler in osg which do action on keyboard input, but I want...
[2 replies] Last: The issue is that this is supposed to be a very simple viewer, without... (by Merwyn)
Bitmap is read wrong
I'm trying to read a .bmb file with c++ and save the grey values (average over RGB values) normalized into a vector under Ubuntu 14.04. Somehow the values of th...
[5 replies] Last: You should read the file specification https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... (by ne555)
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