error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier '_stateSect'

I'm creating a MFC apps, (Genetic Algorithm Timetable). I'm running it in VisualStudio2012. And I ran into this error.

c:\users\zahrina\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\gaschedule\gaschedule\schedule.h(181): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier '_stateSect'
c:\users\zahrina\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\gaschedule\gaschedule\schedule.h(181): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
c:\users\zahrina\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\gaschedule\gaschedule\schedule.h(187): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier '_instanceSect'
c:\users\zahrina\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\gaschedule\gaschedule\schedule.h(187): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int

The coding

// (C)2007-2008 Coolsoft Company. //
// All rights reserved. //
// //
// Licence: licence.txt //

#include <list>
#include <hash_map>
#include <windows.h>

#include "CourseClass.h"

#pragma once

using namespace std;
using namespace stdext;

class CChildView;
class Schedule;
class Algorithm;

// Number of working hours per day
#define DAY_HOURS 12
// Number of days in week
#define DAYS_NUM 5

enum AlgorithmState

// Algorithm's observer
class ScheduleObserver


// Event that blocks caller until algorithm finishes execution
HANDLE _event;

// Window which displays schedule
CChildView* _window;

// Called when algorithm starts execution
inline void BlockEvent() { ResetEvent( _event ); }

// Called when algorithm finishes execution
inline void ReleaseEvent() { SetEvent( _event ); }


// Initializes observer
ScheduleObserver() : _window(NULL) { _event = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); }

// Frees used resources
~ScheduleObserver() { CloseHandle( _event ); }

// Block caller's thread until algorithm finishes execution
inline void WaitEvent() { WaitForSingleObject( _event, INFINITE ); }

// Handles event that is raised when algorithm finds new best chromosome
void NewBestChromosome(const Schedule& newChromosome);

// Handles event that is raised when state of execution of algorithm is changed
void EvolutionStateChanged(AlgorithmState newState);

// Sets window which displays schedule
inline void SetWindow(CChildView* window) { _window = window; }


// Schedule chromosome
class Schedule

friend class ScheduleObserver;


// Number of crossover points of parent's class tables
int _numberOfCrossoverPoints;

// Number of classes that is moved randomly by single mutation operation
int _mutationSize;

// Probability that crossover will occure
int _crossoverProbability;

// Probability that mutation will occure
int _mutationProbability;

// Fitness value of chromosome
float _fitness;

// Flags of class requiroments satisfaction
vector<bool> _criteria;

// Time-space slots, one entry represent one hour in one classroom
vector<list<CourseClass*>> _slots;

// Class table for chromosome
// Used to determine first time-space slot used by class
hash_map<CourseClass*, int> _classes;


// Initializes chromosomes with configuration block (setup of chromosome)
Schedule(int numberOfCrossoverPoints, int mutationSize,
int crossoverProbability, int mutationProbability);

// Copy constructor
Schedule(const Schedule& c, bool setupOnly);

// Makes copy ot chromosome
Schedule* MakeCopy(bool setupOnly) const;

// Makes new chromosome with same setup but with randomly chosen code
Schedule* MakeNewFromPrototype() const;

// Performes crossover operation using to chromosomes and returns pointer to offspring
Schedule* Crossover(const Schedule& parent2) const;

// Performs mutation on chromosome
void Mutation();

// Calculates fitness value of chromosome
void CalculateFitness();

// Returns fitness value of chromosome
float GetFitness() const { return _fitness; }

// Returns reference to table of classes
inline const hash_map<CourseClass*, int>& GetClasses() const { return _classes; }

// Returns array of flags of class requiroments satisfaction
inline const vector<bool>& GetCriteria() const { return _criteria; }

// Return reference to array of time-space slots
inline const vector<list<CourseClass*>>& GetSlots() const { return _slots; }


// Genetic algorithm
class Algorithm


// Population of chromosomes
vector<Schedule*> _chromosomes;

// Inidicates wheahter chromosome belongs to best chromosome group
vector<bool> _bestFlags;

// Indices of best chromosomes
vector<int> _bestChromosomes;

// Number of best chromosomes currently saved in best chromosome group
int _currentBestSize;

// Number of chromosomes which are replaced in each generation by offspring
int _replaceByGeneration;

// Pointer to algorithm observer
ScheduleObserver* _observer;

// Prototype of chromosomes in population
Schedule* _prototype;

// Current generation
int _currentGeneration;

// State of execution of algorithm
AlgorithmState _state;

// Synchronization of algorithm's state
CCriticalSection _stateSect;

// Pointer to global instance of algorithm
static Algorithm* _instance;

// Synchronization of creation and destruction of global instance
static CCriticalSection _instanceSect;


// Returns reference to global instance of algorithm
static Algorithm& GetInstance();

// Frees memory used by gloval instance
static void FreeInstance();

// Initializes genetic algorithm
Algorithm(int numberOfChromosomes, int replaceByGeneration, int trackBest,
Schedule* prototype, ScheduleObserver* observer);

// Frees used resources

// Starts and executes algorithm
void Start();

// Stops execution of algoruthm
void Stop();

// Returns pointer to best chromosomes in population
Schedule* GetBestChromosome() const;

// Returns current generation
inline int GetCurrentGeneration() const { return _currentGeneration; }

// Returns pointe to algorithm's observer
inline ScheduleObserver* GetObserver() const { return _observer; }


// Tries to add chromosomes in best chromosome group
void AddToBest(int chromosomeIndex);

// Returns TRUE if chromosome belongs to best chromosome group
bool IsInBest(int chromosomeIndex);

// Clears best chromosome group
void ClearBest();


looks like you didnt include afxmt.h
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