jumping form console to windows?

Hi everyone,
I have programmed a console application.I don't have knowledge in windows programming so I ask this question to you.
Does the code differs form console to windows?
I know that they have entirely different code for creating Menus, toolbar,etc.,

I mean that If I have a function in my console program like this :
 void function()
//does something

I need to execute the function when the button is pressed.Should I modify the code in function.
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No. Non-GUI code doesn't need to change at all.

Only issue is, in many cases your function such as above will need to perform various duties that may require information held in some GUI element such as a text box (edit control), listbox, or whatever. In such cases you need to either read that data before calling the function, and pass it to the function through parameters, or access the GUI element within the function. Of course, that will necessitate making some modifications somewhere.
Thank you.
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