Capturing Input Exclusively

I am creating a program that captures input from a user, sends it over a network and to the host. I have the networking done and can properly receive messages which are then implemented using the windows SendMessage function.

My issue now is capturing input effectively. I need to come up with a way to capture input without it actually doing anything on the client computer.
Meaning, I want the program to be the only one to receive the message events. I also hope to make the client run in the background and re-enable input later on if a certain key is pressed.

I'm not quite sure how to implement this.
low level keboard hook ?

There is no such thing as "capturing input exclusively", another application can do it too, possibly at the same time

directinput seems likely on windows.

There is no way to prevent others from reading the device. The only way I can think of to do this is write your own driver and do not tell windows that it is a keyboard so nothing else can read it. Tell windows it is a generic usb device or hub or something instead.
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