manager game NEED HELP :)

Hey guys:)

I'm thinking about to make a basketball manager game...

Is C++ god to use for it? :)

Where should i start?:)

Which commands should i use?:)

I'm new at programming, but i'm willing to learn ..

c++ is great for games but it isn't very portable (Linux vs win vs mac), and isn't really ideal for embedded web page games.

start by learning the language. Do some simple programs, and build up. Games tend to be complex, and you can't really just start cranking out code for even a simple text based console game without some basics first.

Then design your program.

Then code it.

I think that c++ is great for developing games so it's a good choice (as well as Java).
If you are new to developing this is going to be a hard job so stay focused.
It's important to develop with safety and detect vulnerabilities among you code and solve them.
If you are having troubles doing that you can use a program to help you. i know one called checkmarx you can try.
Good luck with the game!
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