C++ Game Libraries ?

Need information about C++ game libraries.
What are the C++ libraries available for it, want to start by creating simple games first.
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1+ for Allegro :)
I tried to start with GDK, but it require Visual Studio Express edition.
So looking for some other libraries.
+1 to SFML.
I tried to start with GDK, but it require Visual Studio Express edition.

That's simply not true, although getting started using GDK on Win32 is not nearly so easy as on a modern *nix.
That's simply not true, although getting started using GDK on Win32 is not nearly so easy as on a modern *nix

check this page, it clearly mentions the requirement set for GDK.
GDK is the Gimp Drawing Kit.


That said, DarkGDK does not require Visual Studio. DarkGDK is a set of headers and libraries. There's nothing magic about Visual Studio. DarkGDK uses a number of libraries that come with Visual Studio, but can also be installed using the Visual C++ Redist package.

I suspect the makers push everyone towards using it with Visual Studio to ease their support burden and to lower the entry requirement for people starting to use it.
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Irrlicht : irrlicht.sourceforge.net/
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