Open file

Hello, I have problem with opening of file choosed via OpenFile Dialog box.
Now I wanna open this file for reading/writing, but comilator showes me this error:
error C2664: '_wfopen_s' : cannot convert parameter 3 from 'const char [3]' to 'const wchar_t *'

I'm using this for opening of my file:
_wfopen_s(&file, ofn.lpstrFile, "w+");

How can I solve this ?
_wfopen_s(&file, ofn.lpstrFile, L"w+");
You need to learn about wide character verses ansi strings, and take care to use the correct versions of the functions for whichever setup you are using. If you are setup for ansi builds, don't try to open the file using wide character functions. In the case above the "w" is an ansi character and the function requires a wide character parameter, i.e.,

L"w+", or _T("w+") if using the tchar.h macros.
Oh thank's a lot, problem solved
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