Book For Windows Programming

I already know the basics of C++ and I was wondering if anybody knew any good books for learning how to do Windows programming.
Your help is appreciated.
Charles Petzold's "Programming Windows", Fifth Edition, is the place to start. The book is old but still the best source of information. You can likely acquire it used from Amazon or elsewhere. If you do and the CD is missing the programs (which are bug free and indespensible) can be obtained from the author's website. Until you acquire the book these links might be worthwhile to persue...
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Here is the link for Petzold's book, which freddie1 mentioned --

There is no better beginner-to-intermediate Windows programming book than this one. Many intermediate-to-expert programmers still refer to it from time to time. Don't let the fact that it's about 13 years old discourage. It is still totally relevant, except that you might have to refer to MSDN for a few updated items, but really not all that many, comparatively speaking.

Also the links freddie1 posted above are golden. This first link is to freddie1's own rather in-depth material, but I doubt you'll get a lot out of it until you become at least bascially proficient in Win programming, then freddie1's stuff is a must read, IMO.

The second link is a simple Win tutorial that I think is also a MUST go-through, even though some of it is also out-dated.

The three above pathways are, however, is the exact way to get started.
Thank you two so much!
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