Anyone good with libraries?

Hey this is my first post, great website! At any rate, first off, I'm developing on a Windows 7 PC with both devc++ and vs2010 at my disposal. I've been programming for as long as I can remember and will honestly say I am certainly a seasoned (as in having been finely aged in an oak cask) programmer, I've seen it all... wellll most of it. I've never really quite got the hang of external library jargon and right now I'm working on a personal project and am absolutely stumped.

My ULTIMATE goal here is to be using cairo with the openGL backend so cairo-gl (hardware accelerated cairo works in version 1.9.x+ :D ) with the cairomm API (a nifty cairo c++ interface) and have cairo sharing a context with openGL (using openGL for screen space shaders and stuff). Lastly I'd like to use freeglut for making my life easier for setting everything up. Ha where do I even begin; I firstly am leaning towards vs2010 cause this is looking to be a hefty project but I seriously dont even know where to start, to START.

As far as I've gotten is found what I guess are uncompiled releases of all 3 libraries but... what the heck do I do now? I cant figure out how to compile them for windows, nothing seems to work, the precompiled binaries (those that are available) are by all means not up to date or at least they dont claim to be. I know the cairo-gl backend is new so I need an up to date release. Lets say I even somehow managed to compile them and whatever turn them into a form that I can use (a .dll?, no idea) where do I put them, I need headers, where do they go? Lets say I even got this far, when I distribute my application what do I do and what do I include where? Yeah I'm pretty much completely lost and short of what I want to do, have no clue how to set this up.

I feel like for some of you this is a daily thing/walk in the park and if anyone knew how to set this up and walk me through it (I learn much better by example than somebody pasting a link and saying read up) I would be extremely grateful. Thanks!

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I forgot to mention I'm also trying to roll librsvg into this as well *sigh* why does this have to be so tricky!
halp. I'll return the love somehow.
I suppose part of the problem is that this is a Windows sub-forum, and just about everything you are asking about Zamaster seems to be something from the *nix world. I guess open gl isn't specifically, but I'm really not into graphics at all, and the base Windows GDI is all I need.

However, dealing with includes and libraries is something you just have to develop skill with over time. Once you get source code compiled into obj or lib files you should be able to link with it. In terms of binaries you need to distribute exes and/or exes and dlls to users - never *.h files.
Alright, yeah I've been spending some time with it. My issue right now is taking the uncompiled libs and... well compiling them! Many of them suggest gnu-make which is something I am unfamiliar with and I know cygwin will produce linux binaries as opposed to what I need. If anyone was decent with compiling into windows binaries it would be a big help!
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