Visual C++ x Visual Studio

I have to turn a project done in Visual C + + 6 to Visual Studio 2008? I'm having trouble because the Visual Studio 2008 asks for libs that do not exist. How can I do?

thank you
It would help if you could be a bit more specific. Which libs?
For example ddraw.lib

I found that in my VC6 installation's lib folder, but I'm not familiar with it. Its certainly not something VC6 statically links to by default, so even in VC 6 it would have been necessary to add it to the libs it links to by default. If you have that lib file in your VS 2008 installation (whatever it is), I'd think You'll need to add it to your lib paths. Do you know how to do that?
No, I do not know. could you help me please?

thank you
I'm at an old Win 2000 laptop now I just use to check my email occasionally, and it doesn't have VS 2008 on it. Otherwise, I could give you an exact blow by blow description. But from memory you have to go up to the main menu I believe under 'Project Properties' or something like that. When you execute that choice a big complicated dialog box will open up with piles of options and tabs, and I mean piles! You need to drill down to 'Linker Settings' or something like that. Some of the other settings are 'Compiler Settings', "General Configuration', etc. But you want 'Linker Settings'. There should be a text box somewhere that you can enter DDraw.lib and whatever other missing libs you need. These need to be fed into the linker at compile/link time. If you explore around in VC6 you'll find all the libs used in your program that is functioning there, but the interface to the settings is considerably differnt. Give Microsoft 12 years and they can change things around, believe you me. If you still don't have it by tomorrow when I'm at my computer at work, post back and I'll (or somebody else) will give more exact instructions.
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
As freddie said, you'll need to set up your library search directories, but you do have an option in Visual Studio that is to use a pragma directive rather than manually feeding the library to the linker through the jungle of a GUI. Of course, it's not completely portable, so it's best to check to see if your compiler supports it. This can be accomplished through:

// If the version of your Microsoft compiler supports it
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
#pragma comment(lib, "YourLibraryName.lib")
In vs 2008 C++ its...

Project >> 'Your Solution' Properties >> Linker >> Command Line

When you get to there the top part lists what gets fed into the compiler/linker. You'll see a lot of other libs there. If you type your additionl libs in the bottom blank data entry field they should be saved into what's listed above.

Another area that will likely cause you fits (thousands of compile errors) is the whole UNICODE thing. Back in vc6 times we were mostly all hoping the thing would just go away but it didn't. In vs 2008 you'll likely have to set the 'General Properties' character encoding to multi-byte or not set. Unless it is wide charactet compliant, that is.
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