Win32 API Stupid question

Okay, so I've just started learning the Win32 API from the Microsoft Developer Network but I'm a little confused as to what I'm missing out. Here is the page I'm learning the API from:
Obviously the code works but there is something missing. When I compile and the application builds and everything is as expected bar one thing. The close button (X) in the top right corner is missing. I did this same tutorial from a different source a while ago before I started using the Irrlicht API and I specifically remember the close button being there.

My theory was that it was the first parameter in the CreateWindowEx() function but I looked at the parameter list on MSDN and it said nothing about a window default. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.
It should appear with the close box. The close button appears on windows that contain a system menu, meaning on windows wit the WS_SYSMENU style. If you followed the code sample exactly, you DO have this window style and therefore the window must come out with the close box.

Furthermore, I can confirm I get a main window with all buttons (minimize, maximize and close) by simply instantiating a window with the WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW style.
Its been my experience that memory corruption can very well muck up the x close button in a sdk app. I've seen that quite a few times over the years; indeed, I managed to do a screw up like that just the other day in something I was working on. So you really need to resolve this.
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