Custom program style (GUI look and feel)


I've been searching the internet and so far haven't come up with any answers that can set me on te right path...

I'd like to make a program in C++ that has it's own style. I'm thinking of programs like Steam or Photoshop where the actual GUI is not the typical windows theme.

Is there a proper way to go about this?

The basic idea is to handle the WM_NCPAINT window message. Then you're responsible of drawing everything, including the window frame which is your goal, if I understood correctly.
Yeah, you would just use the standard WNDCLASSEX struct and fiddle around with the specific members until you get what you want. here is the MSDN link to the struct. You probably want to customize the background, cursor and icon.
That's a great article backcoder41
Thanks so much for the information!!! I'll have a look at these articles and start messing around. If I come up with anything good I'll let you know!!!
If you only want to skin the client area you could use a webbrowser control, using only html and javascript for skinning. The program logic it is still c++. Many Microsoft programs use this trick.
If you only want to skin the client area you could use a webbrowser control, using only html and javascript for skinning. The program logic it is still c++. Many Microsoft programs use this trick.

That's not a bad idea... and I could get rid of the window titlebar and manually program the close, min/max functionality in...

modoran wrote:
If you only want to skin the client area you could use a webbrowser control, using only html and javascript for skinning. The program logic it is still c++. Many Microsoft programs use this trick.

how is that done? yeah i notice some programs seems like html of some sort. and some programs are affected by installing newer version of IE. i'm guessing ActiveX controls??
Yes, behind the scenes the application uses ActiveX controls using IWebBrowser2 COM interface. However, your application it is just a client, not a server.
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