Fog and massive terrain? (DirectX)

If I created a huge and massive randomly generated terrain (so huge that no computer could handle it), will the fog system in DirectX be able to allow players to view a small portion of it? (since the fog system only renders what the player can "see")

If fog being that, would I have to not worry about deallocating and allocating parts of the massive terrain that players wouldn't be able to see as the fog system handles it for me?
It will render BOTH the ENTIRE terrain and the fog. So you have to look for some other optimizations, like sector-based LOD or if distance between camera and far polys is too high skip them.
Sector-based LOD? (Level of Detail?)

Would checking between the distance between every polygon point and camera distance to see if rendering is neccessary be more memory consuming or..?

Anymore optimization techniques?

Is there also a term in game development that refer to this kind of thing?
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Is there also a term in game development that refer to this kind of thing?

Yes, the term is "Visibility Culling".
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