C++ Gui

Please don't send me to http://www.winprog.org/tutorial/

I don't use visual C++, I use Dev C++ and am not willing to change the program I use. But how can I make a Gui in Dev C++?

Please help! I'm not an expert either, so don't use technical language. Thanks!
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Dev C++ is evil, just saying.

And actually, you should be able to use that tutorial just fine. I just skimmed over it, but I didn't see anything visual studio specific.
Okay, I'll have a look at it.
It says about the C code, not C++...
The entire windows API is C based, what do you expect ?
What about the GTK+ project?

And you should definitively choose another dev tool. DevC++ is a discontinued project.
What tool do you suggest?
Visual C++, Eclipse, Code::Blocks... anything that someone actually uses anymore. If you want something like Dev C++, you could use wxDevC++, which is still actively maintained IIRC.
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I would suggest Visual C++ express 10. It's free and stable and they made it much more user friendly than it's predecessors.

If you're looking to create a GUI in c++, you should take a look at SFML (http://www.sfml-dev.org/) which will launch a window for you in a console based environment, comes with all the tools you would need to make any app/game, and audio.

If you simply want to create a user interface, look into http://www.wxwidgets.org/. It does ONLY user interfaces and right after it's simple setup you can generate programs that look like apps right away.
SFML really isn't good for traditional GUI's, it's mainly for games and other multimedia applications. Qt and wxWidgets are better for 'normal' GUI's.
I saw his interest in win32 api as interest in developing non-native UI (as in building his own). Otherwise you can just use WYSIWYG to drag drop window's native UI without the hassle of coding a bunch of stuff.
I saw his interest in win32 api as interest in developing non-native UI

That sounds like a contradiction to me.
Took another look, looks like he didn't mention anywhere about win32. He just didn't like the link that took him to win32 api tutorial. Best bet is wxwidgets for deploying UI quickly.

I just don't like how ugly it is since it's locked to only manipulating native gui.
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Winforms/windows forms implies (to me at least) a GUI in VB, C#, or C++/CLI using drag and drop controls. Win32 is native GUI building from code using the Win32 API. Both are native but the former uses the .Net runtime.

I don't use visual C++, I use Dev C++ and am not willing to change the program I use. But how can I make a Gui in Dev C++?

Unless my mind is playing tricks on me, I seem to recall that Dev C++ had a template or something that produced a Win32 Sdk style app that just created a simple window? Not? I know CodeBlocks does for sure, because I always have to delete the one it creates so as to use my own.

I can't really see any problem with using Dev C++ myself, unless you are trying to use it with the more modern operating systems. It was best with Win 2000 I think, as that was about when it was under development. For every OS since 2000 it went down hill just a bit. I'd hate to try it with Win 7!

I've posted a lot of C++ tutorial stuff here...


Its all Api though - mostly C based with a little C++ and OOP mixed in.
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