Looking for someone to code an interface

I've got some code I've written in C and I was hoping I could find someone with experience making windows applications. I've been working with the console to get my code functioning and I'd like to make a GUI for my user to use rather than have solely console functionality. If you fit the description please feel free to reply here to this or PM my account on here. I can go over some of the details if you're interested. Its nothing too complicated.
If you havent already done so, have a look at wxWidgits. I find it alot easier than Win32 and if you use Code::Blocks you can use the wxSmith plugin to make it 10000x easier.
I was hoping I could use some sort of platform that I could straight copy-paste what I had from Visual Studio instead of having to hassle with language changes.
Code::Blocks supports C
Console mode programs usually don't 'port' very easily to GUI (Graphical User Interface). It really is a completely different paradigm. Just thought I'd warn you.
Does "Code::Blocks supports C" have a graphical user interface library? Or is it the same with Visual?
Visual Studio does not have any kind of graphical user interface library also using C or C++ language.

There are resource editors as standalone applications, if this is what you mean.
So pretty much what I've gathered is I either need to learn how to use the obscenely confusing standalone applications to use C or pretty much learn how to code in Java. That sounds amazing. I just need to spend another full year to learn another language.
I'll do it then. When/How do I start??
What do you mean "I'll do it then."? Are you offering to learn a whole language for me? Or are you offering to help program an interface?
I'm offering to help program an interface. ^^

I haven't written code in a while, so this is my chance to do so.
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