Bringing a 'background' process to the 'foreground'

What command has the exact opposite effect of this:

HWND stealth;
stealth = FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass", NULL);
ShowWindow(stealth, 0);

Thank you for your time.
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I found the answer but it isnt working... Heres the mechanics of the program i have written:

It is a todo list/reminder program. When it starts up, it checks to see if any tasks, with reminders that have been set, are due. If there are any tasks, it will display the tasks and make a beeping sound. On startup, it reads a file (only if it is there) and if it is false, it will close after the reminder has been displayed. This allows for reminders to be put up without starting the entire program without the user's consent. The problem is that i have another program that's supposed to run as a 'background' process and run the tasklist program with the "false" file argument. However, for some reason, it wont start the program just display a blank screen. When i start up my tasklist program, it acts just like the background one until i delete every file in the folder which contained them and replace them entirely. It;s really wierd. Can anyone help me out?
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