Multiline Text Drawing in win32

Hi forum! I'm pretty new to the Win32 API, but I've been experimenting with making some games like a slot machine and such. I was wondering how you would go about making a text output function that would take up say 5 lines, and when a new line of text get drawn, the existing text moves up, like a command prompt. I think this would be handy for debug text and such. I know how you would manually go about doing it with DrawText() and such, but is there a slightly more automatic way of doing this? Thanks!
Well, you can add the lines to a listbox or multiline textbox and then make it scroll to the bottom. Other than that, I don't think there's something already made.
You can use a simple multiline edit control or a richedit control, both support automatic scrolling.
A little scrolling window has all kind of uses, but for debug output, when I don't want to atually debug an app, I use DebugView (free from Microsoft TectNet).


All output written using the Windows OutputDebugString() function (and functions/macros that call through to it) are displayed by DebugView (if the app is not already connected to a debugger)

Thanks @mordoran!
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