Windows Programming - June 2015 (Page 4)

How get status print spool driver
Hi! I am developing print spool driver for serial printer, utlizando WinWDK 7600. Which source file WinWDK do I read printer status and report to Windows pa...
[no replies]
Convert UTC to local time using SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime?
I have an epoc UTC time 1432743742 that represents Wed, 27 May 2015 16:22:22. (See This time is actually 27/05/2015, 17:22...
[1 reply] : The standard library provides everthing you need to deal with date/tim... (by coder777)
by cali
Acting on the value of EXIF metadata
Hi, I'm trying to read the DateTaken EXIF tag from an image file, to then have conditionals depend on specifics of the date, such as month, etc. Through search...
[2 replies] Last: I see, thanks for the help! I hadn't thought to cast it to char. (by cali)
Context Sensitive Help Visual Studio 2013
Microsoft have very kindly supplied a FREE version of Visual Studio Community 2013. In a previous rant I berated them for no longer supporting Visual C++ 6.0. ...
[6 replies] Last: It gets worse! Now the context sensitive help for some old commercial... (by sparafucile48)
by joe7
CreateDIBSection question
This isn't really a major problem but I'm trying to learn something here... My application uses the FLTK toolkit. All the toolkits I've used let you "link" y...
[3 replies] Last: I've only ever come across double buffering being done with a Device D... (by andywestken)
June 2015 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [may2015] [jul2015]

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