Need help

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RegularFine isn't a function; your declaration of it inside of the class is as if it were a variable. Also, you have an extra parenthesis on line 59.
RegularFine is a static variable therefore the only way to initialized it is to fill it with whatever do you want to fill it with

float Lib::RegularFine = 1000.f;

anyway, you may not put any statement outside a function ( I think )
	float Fine;
	Fine = DaysOverDue * 0.20;
	if (Fine >= 5.00)
		Fine = 5.00);
	cout << "Your fine is:$ "<< Fine << endl;
	return Fine;

Where is your function ? this are all statement

if you want RegularFine to be a function then declare them as such

anyway, you should explain what do you want to do with RegularFine,
I am too lazy to try to figure out what this program is all about ...
so will everyone probably be..

so try explaining more
Basically the program needs to calculate fines...for books...the program is incomplete and i just tried to calculate fine for one of the category....if it works ill do it for rest of the categories but i can't make it work :(
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