Using objects in struct

I am using a library called RunningAverage. To create a instance of RunningAverage you use

RunningAverage myAvg(n)

where n is the number of elements.

I would like to create a struct using RunningAverage like

struct averages {
RunningAverage seconds(60);
RunningAverage minutes(60);
RunningAverage hours.(24);

This wont compile for me

Some guidance would be appreciated.

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What error do you get when you attempt to compile?

Is it as simple as needing to put a semi-colon after the struct declaration:

struct averages {
 RunningAverage seconds(60);
 RunningAverage minutes(60);
 RunningAverage hours.(24);
here is the code

#include <RunningAverage.h>

struct Averages
RunningAverage seconds(60);
RunningAverage minutes(60);
RunningAverage hours(24);
} Sensor1, Sensor2;

void setup() {

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


compiler error message

BareMinimum:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
BareMinimum:5: error: expected ',' or '...' before numeric constant
BareMinimum:6: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
BareMinimum:6: error: expected ',' or '...' before numeric constant
BareMinimum:7: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
BareMinimum:7: error: expected ',' or '...' before numeric constant
BareMinimum.ino: In function 'void setup()':
BareMinimum:12: error: 'Sensor1.Averages::seconds' does not have class type
you cannot write it like so. RunningAverage seconds(60); is interpreted as a function prototype. You need a constructor in order to initialize the variables.
You need a constructor for Averages.
struct Averages {
    Averages(int s, int m, int h);
    RunningAverage seconds, minutes, hours;

In it, you need to explicitly tell the compiler which constructors to use when constructing seconds, minutes, hours. The syntax is a little obscure:
Averages::Averages(int s, int m, int h) :
    seconds(s), minutes(m), hours(h)
Thanks. I am oretty new to struct. Could you show mw how to put that into my code?
Just cut and paste the two pieces of code in my post.
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