Adding icon to the .exe file

hi all, this is my firist question
am new to programming and wanna know how can I add icon to the executable file I made. I can do the stuff using the Dev-C++ IDE, but now am using CodeBlocks ( I think its better - or suggest me one). If there is another software to change icons of executable files tell me. Thanks!!
Download the `.ico` icon you want from here:

Right click the file -> properties

Select `shortcut` tab -> Change icon -> Browse -> select the icon you downloaded
ya, thanks for your help. But i don't need additonal shortcut to my file, I just want to change the icon of the executable file. NOT A SHORTCUT
Which compiler do you use? If you're codeblocks on Windows, I'm guessing it's MinGW.

Check this out:

1. First make a resource (.rc) file which refers to the icon like so:
id ICON "path/to/my.ico"
2. Compile it into an object:
windres my.rc -O coff -o my.res
3. Link it into your exe with the rest of your project:
g++ -o my_app obj1.o obj2.o my.res

Since this uses command-line build-commands instead of using the codeblocks interface, try this:
1. Add your .rc file to your project, then right-click on the file and select "Properties".
2. Go to "advanced"
3. Select "use customer command to build this file"
4. Add windres my.rc -O coff -o $object
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I have stated above that am new to programming teaching myself, am now on the chapters of function. Your code above is hard for me to understand. ( I think it needs the knowledge of classes and objects ) any ways thanks a lot for your help am sure your code works fine. It is my stupidity that makes your answer not useful. And Duoas I will try the resource hacker tool
Thank you very much
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If you're just learning functions, then you don't want to move to resources just yet. Be patient! You're probably not stupid. We were all learning functions at some point.
Object files/code doesn't have to do with the concept of classes in C++ or OOP. The IDE you're using probably does all the linking for you.
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